chapter 24: knock out!

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Steve ~
I wait for Eddie in the driveway. Once he pulls up, I help him carry his boxes of stuff back inside. "Oh hey boys! What is all that?" My mom asked. "Oh just some stuff that my uncle forgot to give me." Eddie answered. We carry it all upstairs and set it down. "Hey love?" Eddie asked. "Yeah?" I answer, starting to his unpack stuff. "Thank you." Eddie replies. "For what?" I ask, walking over to him. "You know, for never giving up on me and not calling me a freak." He replied and started to cry. "Hey, hey Munson come here." I say while pulling him into a hug.

"I don't even know why I'm crying." He said while sobbing into my shoulder. "Well, you can." I respond. He looks up and kisses me and rests his head back on my chest. We lay down and I stroke his hair. "Better now?" I ask, softly. He looks at me and smiles. "Better." He replied. I fell asleep. I woke up to the sound of someone whispering and shutting a door.

I walked out of my room and walked downstairs. "Steven. Your school called. You haven't been fitted for your gown yet? Graduation is really soon." My mom said. "No mom, I'm going to today." I reply, putting my shoes on. I walk to the bathroom and do my hair.

"Hey looooove." Eddie says while walking into the bathroom.

"Someone's in a good mood." I say smiling. "Do you know what today is?" He asked. "Oh god, is it already out anniversary?" He shook his head. "Try again, lover boy." He said with the biggest smile plastered on his face. What am I forgetting? Oh! "Our double date with Robin and Nance?" I ask. "And Steve the hair Harrington takes the trophy once again folks!" Eddie says, balling up his fist and using it as a microphone.

"Come on, Munson, we're gonna be late." I say while walking out of the bathroom. He grabs the car keys and we get in his van. He starts driving to school with the most beautiful smile in the whole world. I keep staring at him. "You like the view Harrington?" He asks while glancing over at me and back on the road. "What if I do?" I say with a smile. "I know I have great hair but, you can blink, you know that right? You're basically drooling over me." Eddie says while parking. I kiss him on the cheek and we walk in.

I go to the office to get fitted for my cap and gown. After I'm done, I walk to lunch. I see Eddie sitting with Robin and Nancy. I sit down next to him. "Change of scenery huh?" I ask. "Yeah. I thought we could go over the plans for tonight?" Eddie asked. I nod and then see Jason walking over. He walks over to Eddie. "What's the gay boy doing now?" Jason asks sarcastically. "You got a problem man?" I ask. "Awe if it isn't his little boyfriend." He says.

Eddie stands up in front of him. "Go back to your table Jason." I say to him. He pushes Eddie onto the ground and starts punching him. I feel my face turn boiling hot. I jump over the table and pull Jason off of him. I punched him so hard, I knocked him out cold.

I shake my hand and help Eddie up. We walked to the nurse's office. "Oh Edward, what happened?" The nurse asked. "Jason." He replied. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." She said. "You can go back to lunch if you would- oh." She said, looking at my knuckles. "Okay, sit down in that bed and I'll go get some bandages.

Eddie ~
"I've never seen you that mad." I say, looking at Steve. "Dumbass had it coming. Are you okay?" He asked. "Oh yeah, I'm good, my nose hurts a little but other than that, I'm all good. What about you?" I ask. "Don't worry about me, I've been in plenty of fights. All I have to do is ice it." He assured me. The nurse came back and handed me an icepack and wrapped Steve's hand up. "Okay you two, don't get into anymore trouble." She smiled and opened the door.

We walked out and started walking to our classes when the bell rang. We ran outside and started laughing. "You put him to sleep!" I said while starting the van. "He deserved it. I'm sorry about your nose." He replied. "Oh I'm okay! My nose feels fine. But considering that blood is all over my shirt, we might need to go home so I can change." I say with a laugh. "Jason had a very punchable face." Steve replies.

I drive to his house and park. "Alright, I'll be right back." I say while running into the house. I wave at Mrs. Harrington and run upstairs. I start digging through my clothes and find the plain black T-shirt that I wore on our first date. I put it on and grab my leather jacket and run back outside. I get in the car and start driving to the movie's.

"We're gonna be late!" Steve exclaims. "I'm taking a short cut." I say while driving through a field of crops. "AHHHHHH" Steve screams. I get back into the road and pull into the parking lot. "Right on time." I say, parking. "WE ALMOST DIED! ARE YOU CRAZY?!"  Steve yelled. "Yes, Steve I am in fact crazy. VERY crazy." I say while sticking my tongue out.

"You're a weird one Munson." Steve says, smiling.

A/N: hey readers! so i have some bad news. im not going to be posting for a week. im so sorryyyy. thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed this chapter! much love♥️
words ~ 981

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