chapter 19: upside down to the core

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Steve ~
We start walking around the upside down, looking for a way out. "How did we get here though? We were in our beds and then we wake up here?" Robin asked. "I don't know, but what I do know is that we need to get out of here soon. We have no weapons." I say. El stops walking. "What is it El?" Nancy asks. "I hear something." She says. Before we know it, a hoard of demogorgons are in front of us. El kills them all and we all keep walking. "If there are demogorgons, Vecna had to be alive." I say.

"What about that mind flayer thing?" Eddie asked. "Vecna controls it." Robin answered. "We need to cover more ground. Let's split up. Robin and Nancy, you go left. El, go with them." I say. "What about you guys? We have El. What if Vecna finds you?" Robin asked. "I have a lighter." Eddie replies. "Yeah, we'll be fine." I assure them. We go our separate ways. "I don't think 4 kids would be the worst." I say while walking. "Well, 6 is way too many." Eddie replies.

"It's not like we don't have experience with 6 kids." I answer with a laugh. "Yeah, I forgot about that one." Eddie smiled. "Henderson's gonna freak when he finds out about this." I say. "If we ever get out." Eddie says sarcastically. "Oh calm down, Eddie. We're walking through all of Hawkins, it's gonna take a while." I reply. "Wait. Do you see that?" I ask as I run over to something glowing in the woods. "What is that?" Eddie asks, while running over too. "It's a flashlight." I say while picking it up.

"Well, at least we can see now." Eddie sighs. We keep walking. "I can't believe we're about to graduate. 86' baby!" Eddie exclaims. "Yeah it's pretty crazy huh?" I respond. "Oh my god. WE FOUND IT! WE FOUND THE GATE!" Eddie starts hopping up and down. "Woah, slow down. We need to go get them." I say. "Fine." Eddie sighs. We start walking back to the way we came from. "I wonder if there are more gates." I said. Eddie stopped walking. "What is that?" He said while pointing at the demodog. "GIVE ME YOUR LIGHTER!" he tosses it to me and I through it at the demodog, setting it on fire.

"WE NEED TO MOVE! COME ON!" I scream while grabbing Eddie's wrist and running. We finally see the others. "NANCY! ROBIN! WE FOUND IT!" I yell. They keep walking. They were pretty far away so they probably didn't hear us. I looked at Eddie.

Eddie ~
Steve looked at me and we started running after the others. I was sprinting and then we were met face to face with a hoard of demobats. Steve screamed "RUN!" but before I could react, they started to attack my stomach. Steve started kicking them as I screamed in pain and saw El lift them up and throw them. I could barely breathe. Steve sat down and laid me in his lap.

Steve ~
I tried to pick Eddie up but he shook his head. "EDDIE I SWEAR TO GOD. YOU'RE GONNA BE FINE." I yelled. "I- I love you Steve." He said weakly. "I love you too. Come on I'm gonna get you to a hospital." I say trying to pick him up. "We're gonna graduate Harrington." He said. "I KNOW. LET ME PICK YOU UP." I yelled trying to pick him up. "6 little nuggets sounds nice, love. 6." Eddie stops talking. I see a tear roll down his cheek and he stops blinking.

"EDDIE? EDDIE COME ON. PLEASE. HELP ME PICK HIM UP! COME ON HELP ME!" Robin starts to pull me away. "HELP ME. COME ON HELP ME PICK HIM UP. I CAN'T." I yell. Robin and Nancy pull me up and start walking me to the gate. "NO! LET GO. LET GO I NEED TO HELP HIM." I screamed. "Steve. He's gone. We need to get out of here." Robin says.

"NO HES NOT!" I yell. They push me through the gate and walk through. I charge past them and they grabbed me before I can run back in. "Nancy, go call hopper." Robin said. "Why?" Nancy asked. "Because, El is still in there." Robin responded. Nancy ran to a phone. "LET ME BACK IN." I scream at robin. I drop to the ground. "He's dead Steve. I'm sorry." My heart felt like it was going to explode. Eddie couldn't be dead. I couldn't breathe. It's just a dream. It has to be. Please. I need him. I started to scream and cry. "HE'S STILL ALIVE. HE HAS TO BE." I yell.

Hopper runs past me and into the gate. "Just let me go. Please." I cry into Robin's shoulder. He's dead. The person who was my soulmate, is dead. I stare into the gate. Eddie died. Vecna killed Eddie. Rage shoots through my body. I run to Hopper's car and see a can of gas, a lighter and a shotgun. I grab all of it and charge past Robin, running into the gate. I run towards the Creele house. He killed Eddie. Now I'm gonna kill him once and for all.

A/N: hey readers! i know you're mad and you have every right to be but don't worry, a new chapter will be out soon. thanks for reading! also, we're almost to 500 reads?! thank you all so much! i couldn't have done this without you. i started this on my birthday thinking that I wouldn't even get 10 reads. when i got 3 reads, i was jumping up and down because people were actually interested in something i made. here we are two weeks later, and i am almost halfway to 1000 reads. thank you all so much. you don't know how much you all mean to me. much love♥️
words ~ 997

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