chapter 32: let's chat

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Steve ~
"He wants to talk. Told ya." Robin says, sitting down on the floor. I walk into the guest bedroom and see Eddie sitting on the bed. "Hey." He says. "H-hi." I reply, shutting the door and sitting down next to him. "Steve, please tell me you did not sit by the door all night. Your eyes are bright red!" Eddie exclaims, putting his hand on my cheek. "I did. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to yell. It was just... a lot to take in." I answer, avoiding eye contact.

"Steve, look at me." Eddie says, pulling my chin up.

"I'm not mad. I was upset too. It's okay." Eddie assures me with a kiss. "You really thought I was gonna dump you?" Eddie asked, standing up and stretching. "Yeah, I really messed up." I say, rubbing my tired eyes. "You didn't mean to. We all make mistakes. If I had a penny for everytime I've made one, I would be a millionaire!" Eddie exclaims, laughing.

"Love, no offense, but you look terrible. You need to get some sleep." Eddie says, lying down on the bed and pulling me next to him. "You're really not mad?" I ask, just to be sure. "No. How could I stay mad at some with such luscious hair?" Eddie says playfully, wrapping his arm around me.

"As I said before, my hair is my best feature." I say, laughing. Robin walks in. "And my work here is done." She says, smiling. "Thanks Robin." I say, putting my head on Eddie's chest. She nods and shuts the door.

Eddie ~
"You know Harrington, you really are hard to stay mad at." I say, stroking his hair. He doesn't respond. "Steve?" I ask, looking at his eyes. He's asleep. I pull a blanket over us and admire how peaceful he looks. I could stare at him for hours. I fall asleep too and wake up to the door opening. "Oh sorry boys! I have been trying to find you two for ten minutes! The kids are here. They said that they need to talk to you two. It seemed important." Steve's mom says.

I shake Steve awake and he sits up. "Huh?" Steve says, rubbing his eyes. "The kids are here." I reply, standing up. "Kids? Oh." Steve replied, standing up. We walk downstairs and see them on the couch. "What do you guys want?" Steve asks, yawning. "Finally! We've been trying to get a hold of you two all morning. Hopper and Joyce are missing. We think it might be the russians." Henderson explains. "JESUS H. CHRIST! THIS IS WHAT YOU WANTED TO TELL US?" I ask.

"They're probably just with Murray or something." Steve replies. "They aren't." Will says. "We didn't know who else to go to." Max adds. The phone rings and everyone goes quiet. I walked over to the phone and answered it. "Hello?" I say into the phone. "Oh, Eddie. Do you know where the kids are at?" Joyce asked. "Oh hey Joyce. They started freaking out and thought you and Hopper got kidnapped by russians. They're here with me and Steve. I'll send them over." I answer, twirling my finger in the phone cord.

"Oh okay. Jeez gave me and Hop a heart attack. Thank you!" Joyce said. "No problem." I reply, hanging the phone up. "Go home. Joyce and Hopper are worried. You scared them." I say, opening the door. "THEY'RE ALIVE?!" Henderson asks, walking out of the door. "Go." Steve replies, shutting the door behind them. "Russians?" Steve's mom asks. "Oh um, they have a... weird imagination." I reply, sitting down on the couch.

"Oh, okay. So, what are your plans for today, boys?" Steve's mom asked, folding some laundry. "Oh um-" "We have to go do that thing. You know, the thing?" Steve asks. "Uh.. yes we have a thing that needs to be done." I say, confused. Steve gets dressed and so do I. "So what is the thing we have to do?" I ask, putting my shoes on. "Let's get a cat." Steve suggested.

"Huh? That's what we have to do?" I ask, looking at him fixing his hair in the mirror. "Why not?" He asks. "I love cats. They're superior to dogs in every. Single. Way." I say, walking downstairs. "Now, that's a little far." Steve replies. I grab the keys and get in the van. "We need to go get some cat stuff. You know, a bed, food and water bowls, a collar, a carrier-" Steve said, as I started driving to the store.

"I'm gonna stop you right there. We're not putting our child in cat jail." I reply. "Cat jail?" Steve asked, laughing. "It's been in prison long enough. You can hold it." I respond, smiling. "Fine." Steve answers, shaking his head and smiling. I park and we walk inside. "Okay, so we need a bed-" "OH MY GOD STEVE LOOK! HOW CUTE IS THAT?!" I exclaim, showing him a sweater for cats.

"Eddie, we're not dressing our cat up." Steve replies, putting a litter box in the cart.

"Whyyyyy? It needs to stay warm." I ask, walking over to him. "It's summer Eddie." Steve reminds me. I gasp. "LOOK AT THESE LITTLE BOWLS! THEY'RE SO TINY!" I say. "GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF, MUNSON! We need a bed." Steve responds, showing me a fluffy cat bed. "IT'S ADORABLE." I yell, throwing it in the cart. Steve puts some bowls and a collar in the cart. We walk to the check out.

Little did Steve know, I snuck some shirts for the cat into the cart. We walk out with all of our stuff and put it in the back of the van. We get in and I start driving to the pound. "I'm so excited!" I exclaim. "I can tell." Steve replies. I park and run inside. "Hello. What can I help you with today." The woman at the front desk asked. "We're here to adopt a cat." I reply, tapping my fingers on the desk. "Okay, follow me." She says, walking to some doors. "Okay, here are the kittens, and here are the adult cat's." She says.

"Thank you." Steve replies while I look at the kittens. "This one's cute." Steve said, sticking his fingers in a cage. I walk over and look at the kitten, rubbing against Steve's fingers. "She's adorable." I say, petting her through the cage. "There's another one! Look!" Steve exclaims quietly, petting the other kitten. "Those two are a package deal. We don't like to separate siblings." The woman said, walking next to us. "Can we get the papers?" Steve asked, looking over at her.

"Of course." She replies, handing us a clipboard. "Just sign right there, and there." She says, pointing at blank lines. "Okay, the little babies are all yours! Congratulations." She says, unlocking the cage and handing me and Steve a kitten. "Do you two need a cat carrier?" She asked. "Oh uh yes please." Steve replies. I wasn't against it, because he couldn't hold two kittens. We put them into a cat carrier and walked to the van. "What are we naming them?" I ask, taking one of the kittens out of the carrier and holding it.

"The girl should be um... Lady. That's a good name, I think." Steve replies. "And the boy, should be Ozzy." I say, putting the kitten back into the carrier. "Who's that?" Steve asks. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO OZZY OSBORNE IS?!" I exclaim. "No, should I?" Steve asks as I start driving. "Uh yeah? You're so uncultured." I say, jokingly. "Because I don't know who Ozzy is?" He asks.

"I'm disappointed Stevie. So very disappointed." I say, playfully. He starts laughing.

A/N: hey readers! okay so im halfway to 3000 reads?! excuse me, what? thank you all so much for the love and support. i hope you enjoyed this chapter! much love♥️
words ~ 1323

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