chapter 23: puffy eyes

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Steve ~
Me and Eddie walk upstairs to my room and sit on the bed. "So that's where you get it from." Eddie says, hanging his feet off of the bed and laying his back on the mattress. "Get what from?" I ask. "Your little nose pinch." Eddie answers. "Oh. What can I say, you are pretty frustrating." I say playfully.

"Ouch, Harrington!" Eddie yells jokingly. "I didn't mean it like that. I probably get on your nerves sometimes too." I say while lying down next to him. "You do. But that's why I love you. I feel like I've finally found someone who matches my energy." Eddie replies. "What time is it?" I ask, looking over at him with a smile.

"Way to ruin the mood. It's 9:30 why?" Eddie answers. "I'm tired. Can we go to bed?" I ask, yawning. "Momma Steve needs his beauty sleep." Eddie replies as he stands up and turns the lights off. When he turns around I throw a pillow at him. We start laughing and then lie down. "Night, love." Eddie says. "Goodnight." I say. Eventually I fall asleep. I wake up to Eddie yelling something. "STEVE COME ON WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" I look up at him and he pulls me up and off of the bed. "What time is it?" I ask.

"IT'S 7!" he yells. "School doesn't start until 8:30." I respond. "Oh. I forgot. Sorry." Eddie says. "Are you okay?" I ask him while grabbing a shirt out of my closet and putting it on. "Yeah, just tired." He replies. I go into the bathroom and start doing my hair. I look at my tattoo and take the wrapping off.

Eddie walks in and, starts brushing through his hair with his fingers. We walk downstairs and he grabs the keys. We got in and he started to drive to school. "Eddie, are you alright?" I ask, looking at him. "I'm okay Steve." He says as he turns the radio up and rolls his window down. "Okay." I say with a sigh. We get to the school and he kisses my cheek before walking in. I hope he's okay.

I walk in after him and go to my locker. I hear the cheerleaders talking and whispering, while they look at me. A girl walks over and taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and she kisses me. I immediately push her away and see Eddie. He looks shocked. He had tears in his eyes. I pushed passed her and ran after Eddie. The halls were so crowded that, I couldn't see where he was. The bell rang and I walked to my first class.

I sat down and Eddie flopped in his seat next to me. I pulled a sticky note out and wrote "Eddie, she kissed me. I didn't know she was going to. I didn't want her to. Please just talk to me." I fold it and place it on his desk. He opens it and crumples it up into a ball.

Before I knew it, the bell rang. Eddie stood up and walked out. I ran after him "Eddie I swear! Please!" I yelled after him. I walked to lunch and saw him with his head down on the table. Dustin was talking to him. I walk over and Dustin looks at me and shakes his head. I walk over to Robin and sit down. I place my head onto the table too. "Steve?" She asks. "Steve are you okay?" Nancy asks. "A cheerleader kissed me this morning and Eddie saw and thought I kissed her." I mumble. "Oh." Robin says. "BUT SHE KISSED ME!" I yell throwing my hands up in the air while keeping my head on the table.

"Steve, he'll get over it. Eddie loves you. I know he does." Nancy said. I look up from the table and pinch the bridge of my nose. "I tried to explain to him that she kissed me, but he wouldn't listen." I say. Robin patted my back. The bell rings and I see Eddie look up at me with puffy eyes.

I go to my next class and look at that stupid cheerleader who kissed me. After the bell rang, I walked over to her and got in her face "I don't like you, and I will never like you. Go tell your friends that." I spat in her face and walked outside to see Eddie's van gone. "DAMMIT!" I yell as I kick a can on the sidewalk. "Need a ride?" Nancy asked, pointing at Robin's car. I nod and get in. "Do you want to go home or to my house?" Robin asked. "Your house is fine." I answer. She starts driving and I look at the bats on my wrist.

The way Eddie smiled at me when I agreed to getting the tattoo. Tears flood my eyes. I look through the window and see the sunset. It was like the one from the night he had surprised me with a date in the woods. It was beautiful. Robin parked and I started sobbing. Robin whispers something to Nancy. Robin gets out and sits next to me in the backseat. "Steve, you're gonna be okay. We survived being drugged by russians, we can survive this." Robin says jokingly.

I laugh a little and sniffle. She walks me into her house and we sit down on the couch. "What movie do you wanna watch, Steve?" Nancy asks while setting a box of tissues in front of me. "We've got back to the future, little shop of horrors, sixteen candles, footloose and-" "Back to the future." I say, smiling and wiping my tears away. "A classic!" Nancy says. "You know when me and Steve got drugged by russians, we watched this movie and it was like sooo different." Robin added.

"I can never see this movie the same." I say with a laugh.

Me and Eddie watched this movie. After the movie, Robin took me home and I walked into my house. Eddie wasn't there. I looked in my bedroom and all of his stuff was gone. I ran downstairs and saw my mom cooking. "Steven, where are you going?" She asked. "I'll be right back." I say while grabbing the keys and running out of the door. I start driving to Dustin's house. I'm going to check there first and if he's not there, then I'm going to check Mike's house. I start crying and park in Dustin's driveway.

Eddie ~
I hear Steve knock on my window. I unlock it and he runs to the back of the van and opens the door. He looks at me and I see that he had been crying.
"Eddie. I swear. I love you. I don't even know what her name is. I've never met her before. Please-"

I grabbed his face and kissed him.

I scoot over so he can lie down next to me. He gets in, shuts the doors, and lies down. "You promise?" I asked. "Yes, I promise. I yelled at her after school. I love you Eddie. I promise." He assured me. I grabbed his wrist and looked at his tattoo. "It looks really good for your first tattoo." I said. "Today was rough. You know, I think this is the most I've cried in a day." I added while I looked through the holes in the roof.

You could see the stars peeking through. "Me too. When I saw that your stuff was gone, I thought that meant that we were broken up. I had to come find you." Steve replied, holding my hand. "You were acting weird this morning. What was that all about?" He asked. "I didn't sleep good." I replied. "Was I snoring again?" Steve asked. "Yeah and yelling in your sleep." I said sarcastically. "Oh, I'm so sorry!" He responded. "It's okay, love. I'm fine." I say assuring him. "I'm really sorry about earlier." Steve says.

"If you didn't kiss her, then it's not your fault." I reply. "So we're still dating?" Steve asked. "I mean, if you still want to-" he interrupts me with a kiss. "I'll take that as a yes." I say jokingly. "I have to drive my mom's car home but will you meet me there?" Steve asked. "Yep." I say, kissing him one more time and jumping in the front seat. I love him so much.

A/N: hey readers! we're about to hit 800 reads?! thank you! i hope you enjoyed this chapter! much love ♥️
words ~ 1429

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