532 9 3

8:30 am

~ jules pov

i'm driving me and hayley to school. my mom is out for business so i'm gonna go to my cousins house today just to confront her about talking to my girlfriend. isabella has no reason to be talking to her. i don't even want her trying to be jayden's friend she can't be anything to her i don't care🙄. jayden wants me to come pick her up after school since her parents will be out and darian is playing his baseball game at my school tonight. she doesn't wanna be alone in the airbnb and i can accept that. my mom actually found a nice apartment for me to go to. hayley's trying to debate if she should move schools or stay in san diego because my mom is staying in san diego. my mom told me i can have the whole apartment to myself and if hayley wants to come with me she can but my mom highly suggests she does because she goes on business trips and doesn't want hayley home alone. i want hayley to come to La with me too but it's up to her.

we're halfway to the school i just bought us breakfast, "so do you wanna stay with me in La? the apartment is mine tomorrow" i say

"i know i saw i hate san diego high school but i also i think it's pretty chill and i made friends over here" hayley says

"you know you can see them on the weekends right? mom isn't selling our house." i say

"oh i know that but what if north cali is too much?" she asks

"that school seems so much better than SDHS they're just more competitive and laidback honestly the staff is practically nonexistent" i say

"they're not strict over there???" she asks

"no not really unless you're in a sport and start failing a class or fight or do anything crazy then they are" i say

"i mean i'll go but we have to pack right after school" she says

i smile to myself, "aww hayley you'll go with me?" i ask

i can tell she cringed, "don't make me change my mind" she says

i giggle, "my apartment looks nice though aye lowkey we could've just stayed with dad" i say

"i was just about to why we didn't just stay with him" she says

"maybe because mom is gonna come to my apartment when she comes back from her trips but go back home on the weekends.. mom be hanging out with her friends she doesn't need us" i say

"nah for real she be hanging out with karen and stacy all the fucking time" she says

i smile a little, "you wanna go to aunt val's right after school?" i ask

"duhhh but i didn't you like isabella anymore you know she's gonna be there right?" she says

i raise my eyebrows, "oh i know" i say

"i lowkey don't think she fucked joey it sounds like a rumor to me" she says

i stay quiet, "you just don't wanna believe her for some reason" she adds on

i don't say anything, "julianna" she says

"what?" i ask

"what's your problem with isabella?" she asks

i pull up at the school and park, "nothing for real my pride is just too high to tell her 'i'm sorry for accusing all these months' like fuck outta here i'm not finna kiss her ass now" i say with a little attitude

"bro but you were in the wrong so you kinda have to eventually" she laughs

i look at her and crack a little smile, "no i don't she's texting my girlfriend i'm going to her house to beat her ass after school not to make up" i say

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now