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Jules's apartment 😛
9:45 am

~ jules pov

my best friends are in san diego where i should be right now. they're telling me it's kinda cold down there right now. me and eddie have a youtube channel for our music and our audio and lyric videos are on there. we have 1 million subscribers right now it's still growing. isabella is coming to my apartment she's like on her way. as we speak. i don't know why. she claims she wants to visit me and talk about the cheer tryouts which are on monday. i start softball monday too and i'm so excited. i might go to san diego for the rest of the week. cole is trying to find a film guy for our music videos. he's doing interviews with them today. all me and eddie need to do is write 3 more songs and we're done with the album we're working on. we want to make 5 albums by the end of this year that's our goal as J&E. i'm in my living room so jayden can sleep without me interrupting her. i'm gonna make her breakfast if she wants it when she gets up.

i haven't talked to my mom in a few days so i pick up my phone and call her. it dials a few times until she finally picked up, "yes?" she asks

"uhh hey girl" i say awkwardly

"...jules what do you want?" my mom says in a tone as though she's not playing

i roll my eyes a little, "ok.. i wanna come home BUT- this doesn't mean you win i only want to come back to be with hayley and to bother you" i say

"you are welcome back" she says

"but... can you listen to me? i want you to hear me for once mom.. i feel emotions too i want you to understand me when i speak" i say

"ok i will work on that from now on" she says

"you said that last time and nothing changed" i say

"i deal with my own shit julianna and i'm working my ass off to take care of my kids after your father left us" she says

"you don't have to take care of me anymore i can take care of me.. but all i ask is for some attention and comfort from my mom. the only one who was there to watch me grow up. dad didn't do that but he tries to comfort me when you don't." i say

"i don't know what to tell you julianna i really don't. i'm not a touchy person cry to your dad. you're allowed home and when you get here everything will be just like how it used to be but don't come running to me about feelings if it isn't good ones." mom says

it hurts me how she doesn't want to be there emotionally for me or hayley. after caleb died she just went cold and then dad left and she won't be there for us. that's why hayley is so bitchy because of her, "ok" i say

"tell me when you're on your way you only have one full day in la left" she says

"got it, bye" i say before hanging up. i got a text from my cousin.


bella | 9:58 am
we'll be there in about 3 hours there's morning traffic😫

julio | 9:59 am
who is we🤨

bella | 10:00 am
oh i brought a guest that's something else i need to tell u💀

julio | 10:01 am
bitch nobody said u could invite anybody else😐

bella | 10:02 am
i did and what? u finna step?🤨

julio | 10:03 am
i'm not gonna fight u over that

bella | 10:04 am
that's what i thought😠

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now