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📍jules's apartment 😌
8:30 am

~ jayden pov

so this morning we're all up ready for today. jules has studio work this morning and i think her and eddie have a meeting with the principal about their music career and class schedule. i'm in the kitchen waiting by the door and hayley is grabbing hella gatorades for soccer practice today. she's stuffing it in her backpack. jules is in her room upstairs talking on the phone with their mom.

"how much more gatorade do you need?" i ask hayley

hayley smirks as she came over to meet me at the door, "plenty. coach makes us sweat until we drop to the ground so i'm not gonna be unprepared this time." hayley says

i chuckle, "she seems rough on you guys but it's probably because you're jv soon to be varsity next year after we graduate" i say

hayley nods, "i'm head of jv so she's mainly on my ass to be here and lead my team and sometimes i lead freshman team too" she says

"you got it you're an amazing leader" i say

hayley smiles to herself, "awww. shut the fuck up." she says

we laugh. jules comes downstairs, "you'll be back in san diego around what time?" jules asks

her mom isn't on speaker so we can't hear anything, "ohhh... yeah me and hayley will be there saturday morning we'll leave tonight if you want..." jules says

"tonight??? there's a party i'm going to" hayley says to her

jules shushes her and hayley rolls her eyes, "...hayley's got something to do tonight we'll be there tomorrow at 11 we'll leave early... yeah we're cool... do you mind if jayden comes with?" jules says before looking at me.

my eyebrows raise, "you said yes? ok bet.... be safe mom i've gotta take hayley to school before i hit the studio... ok i love you too bye" jules says before hanging up.

jules came to us with a smile on her face, "pack your bags ladies we're spending the weekend in san diego" jules says

hayley smiles and i smile a bit, "are you gonna tell your mom you're pregnant?" i ask jules

jules shakes her head, "i can't tell her yet i'm not ready plus she'll stop me from playing softball i need to play this school year" she says

"she'll tell her when she's ready jayde don't worry" hayley says to me

"i'm just worried about the baby" i say to them

"hopefully jules is careful playing softball then" hayley says to us

"next topic, bella and victor are coming over to mom's tomorrow too with tía and tío" jules says to hayley

my heart drops. hayley smiles at her, "oh cool i miss them" hayley says

jules smiles, "yeah we'll finally get to spend time with tío since we hardly see him i'm excited" she says to hayley.

they look at me and i swallow my spit, "why do you look nervous?" jules asks me

i raise my eyebrows and nervously laugh, "i'm not nervous i'm... excited?" i lie

"her lie ain't even believable" hayley says to jules

i sigh, "ok it's just that you didn't tell me bella was gonna be there" i say to jules

jules scrunches her eyebrows, "what would it matter if she was or wasn't coming? why are you all tense at the thought of her all of a sudden?" jules asks me

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now