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📍bartels's household ♥️
8:30 am

~ jayden pov

today is student college acceptance day at school. everybody is gonna be dressing nice and representing their college they're going to. meanwhile i havent pick not one. oh but my family was ready for this day. i'm hesitant to go downstairs even because i know they have the harvard flags and colors on with a fucking cake and balloons and shit.

don't ask me how i know this. they've had this planned out since the day i said i was gonna go to harvard college as a kid. they probably even went even more all out. god this is gonna crush them. my mom is gonna disown me i know it.

i'm ready for school just wearing a streetwear fit. i sigh deeply and finally get the balls to walk out my room. i get the railing and look down and i see all the shit i just said they had, THEY ACTUALLY HAVE. i groan to myself.

i start walking downstairs with my head down hoping they don't see me but they did, "HAPPY COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE DAYYY" they shout

i heard poppers go off and a birthday horns going. i look at them and fake a smile as i came over to them slowly, "you guys didn't have to even though i knew this was coming" i say sarcastically

dad smiles, "oh you know we had to for our angel girl" dad says

he hugs me and i hug back. this is gonna crush him. we break the hug, "congratulations jayde you've come a long way all that hard work paid off after all you can finally thank you for pushing you" mom says

she hugs me. it was so awkward for me i barely hugged her back. i just wanted it to end. we broke it. d came over with a huge smile, "bring it in little sis" d says

he picks me up and hugs me super tight. i couldn't breathe, "air" i push out

he puts me down and i could breathe again. i catch my breath and they laugh at me, "i'm proud of you" d says

b came and hugs me. didn't even do too much like everybody else. but again b lowkey knows i don't even wanna go to harvard anymore. he's been here and can tell i don't. ever since i met jules. even my friends can tell i'm not going to harvard. my parents are just in denial. cus even d knows he's just playing along.

"hey let's get smoothies before school" b says

"if you guys do don't spill anything on your outfit jayden this is a professional day" mom says

"yeah i realize.. i'm just gonna go i appreciate you guys a lot thank you but i've gotta see coach before class" i say

"ok we'll see you later have a good day" dad says

"bye love you guys" i say as i walk to the door.

i finally make it out the house and sigh so deep. i rush to my car and get in. i drive off.

3rd period - english 4

~ jules pov

last night i was sleeping ok alone but when i felt something next to me while i was sleeping i ran to hayley's and slept with her the rest of the night. she made sure i was good before she fell back to sleep. sometimes in those moments i feel like the little sister which isn't rare. i felt like a bitch running to her but i had to jayden wasn't here she was at her parents house. i slept ok it was just that weird presence i had i don't know what that was.

now i'm in class with jayden. i didn't get the hint that it's college acceptance day today and i didn't even know i got accepted into any college. i got accepted into my local community college that's all. it's fine because college was never in my liking anyways i have a whole music career i'm blessed with.

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now