110 9 4

san diego, california 🏙️
📍jules's house😛
11:15 am

~ jules pov

so this morning we woke up and i went to check on eli and he was still sleeping surprisingly. i don't know if he ever has slept a whole night without crying but this is probably the first time. i know he was giving jayden a hard time in la but he didn't cry tonight for me. that's funny.

i'm in the bathroom with jayden. we're talking while she's getting ready. i already brushed and cleaned my face i'm just not dressed. i'm just wearing an oversized shirt and cheer shorts. my hair looks a mess but i don't care to fix it yet until i know what the plans are today. all i know is later we're going to the movie i've been wanting to see. that is if jayden isn't that mad at me to the point she doesn't wanna go with me anymore..

i'm sitting up on the counter next to the sink. she's in front of the sink doing her hair in the mirror. she's curling it, "where are you going?" i ask

"i have to go home to my family for a little bit to handle something" she says

"what are y'all doing?" i ask

"i don't know they just told me to come home" she says

i just stare at her and she notices, "what?" she asks

i'm a little scared to ask her knowing we literally just fought last night AND been fighting for the last few days, "...i know we like.. been fighting but.. and i know it's ok if you don't wanna go anymore but i wanted to know if.. you and i are still going to the... movie tonight.." i say

she was quiet for a moment, "jules i wanna go but if we're gonna be fighting i don't like seriously can we stop fighting for a day it's pissing me off so bad" she says

"you think i wanna be fighting with you? i'd rather be fucking" i say

she smiles a little, "well that's not happening because we're beefing" she says

i smile slightly, "why are you acting like i didn't just give you head last night?" i say

she chuckles, "i didn't ask you to you just did it so hush" she says

i lick my lips, "..i really don't wanna fight anymore.. i'm tired." i say gently

"so am i" she says

i look at her, "so let's talk everything out right now and apologize so we can move past it cus i wanna be with you but i don't wanna keep going through this fighting shit anymore" i say

she finishes curling her hair. she put the iron down and looks at me, "ok you first.. make sure you stare at my face real hard while you do" she says

she's saying that cus of the bruise from me hitting still being there. but she looks so good with it too, "i'm sorry for hitting you. i'm sorry for calling you out of your name. i'm sorry for being crazy. i'm sorry for stealing your apartment key back just so i can get in while you're not there. i'm sorry for texting devenity. i'm sorry for all of our fights in general. i'm sorry for overreacting sometimes. i'm sorry for being too much. i'm sorry for relapsing. i'm sorry for not being honest to you. i'm sorry for trying to keep eli from you. i'm sorry for bronny getting sent to jail. i'm sorry for going back to my ex everytime me and you were on bad terms. i'm sorry for having a thing with nate too. i'm sorry for fighting devenity and shooting at her... honestly the list just goes on i did so much shit to you and i sound like an asshole." i say

she nods, "you are an asshole...but you're forgiven." she says

damn. i really am so shitty what the fuck does she see in me??? i'm starting to overthink that now like why is she with me?, "your turn" i say

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now