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airbnb 🧳
8:20 am

~ jayden pov

i'm on the couch eating breakfast while my parents are cleaning up the place. we leave tomorrow morning so we're all packed to go home. i'm scared to go back. and bronny is finally coming back too which means shadow is coming back too. they told us they're gonna run an exorcism on him today. me and my family have been praying for us and bronny. many prayers have been out to me and my family. i thanked everyone for the prayers. i also saw jules post us last night which made me smile hella hard because like damn she's geeked over me☺️☺️. like she for REAL loves me and is serious about me🥰. i love jules more than anything. she knows that. i reposted her post on my story and i commented and liked it too. i wanna post us too since she did it first. i've always been iffy when it came to her because she's complicated. she didn't know what she wanted. but i guess now she does since she posted me. i'm driving myself to school because darian had early practice. my parents about to leave soon too. i haven't talked to them much other than in the mornings but it's casual conversations. i look at them in the kitchen from the couch.

they're eating breakfast, "hey guys." i say

they look at me, "hey sweetie" dad says to me

mom smiles a bit at me and goes back to eating. see.. this is all they do. short conversations. i finish my cereal and stand up. i put my backpack on and grab my phone.

i walk into the kitchen, "ok this short conversation shit has to stop can we have a longer conversation and a normal one?" i say to them as i put my bowl in the sink.

"language and i'm sorry honey we been so busy everything will go back to how it was tomorrow we promise" mom says to me

i sigh, "nothing has been the same since bronny ran away everything has been off.. i know you guys are distracting yourselves from what happened but it's not gonna help once bron is back tomorrow night.. bronny didn't hurt you something took over him." i say

dad looks at me confused, "we have been distracting ourselves because it's the healthiest thing to do right now" mom says

"what do you mean something took over him?" dad asks me

"they didn't tell you?" i ask

"what are we talking about now?" mom asks us

"while you guys were distracting yourselves me and darian were finding out what's going on.. there's a boy named sam who died in bronny's old juvenile cell because something has been torching him and took over him and killed him.. bron is experiencing what sam experienced." i say

they're faces lit up, "how do you know that?" mom asks

"me and d went to the juvenile detention place they told us who had the cell last but before that i was seeing this little boy with no eyes but he was in the form of baby bronny.. remember bronny's picture of him in the overalls when he was 4?" i say

"the picture that he took with him to the juvenile detention center?" dad asks me

i scrunch my eyebrows, "he took that picture with him? why?" i ask

dad shrugs, "bronny always had that picture of him we had copies of it but they were burned to ashes" mom explains

i thought about how this could've been connected now, "ok umm well sam is a friendly spirit if you see him he doesn't hurt us he has... hurt-" i say until i heard a door shut from down the hall. we all froze. i look at my parents they look spooked.

"i don't think he wants me telling you that so i won't say anything" i say

my parents are confused, "how do you know what that was?" mom asks me

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now