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📍jules's apartment 😌
8:15 am

~ jules pov

see last night was amazing a real fairytale but today i do not feel amazing. i feel so sick and i'm cold. i have no energy to get up from bed. jayden is making me eat breakfast she made for me and hayley. jayden ready for school but she said she's not leaving until she knows i'm ok. in other words she's not going🙄. so hayley's getting chris to come pick her up. hayley told jayden to stay and take care of me or call our mom and i told jayden not to call my mom or dad and that i'm fine. i know they told her to keep an eye on me and take care of me for them. it's so obvious and i'm not mad about it. at least someone's giving me attention. at least it's from someone i want it from. me and eddie are supposed to recording our song 'favorite song' so that the album is ready by november so that we can focus on our collabs.

i'm laying in bed finishing what jayden made for me to eat. she's such a good cook like i love everything she makes she gets the cooking skills from her mom. even though her mom's an asshole. i shouldn't be speaking about her mom like that but it's the truth. jayden's downstairs with hayley.

i finish the meal and set it aside to let my stomach do the digesting. i couldn't keep down what i ate yesterday because i felt sick and i still do but i think i can keep it down this time.

jayden came back in the room with a glass of water. she smiles, "oh good you ate it all" jayde says as she sets the cup down next to me on the nightstand.

she kisses my forehead, "i'm proud of you" she says

i smile to myself. she's the only one who's ever proud of me and it makes my heart warm everytime i hear her say that.

"now drink this water whenever you're thirsty you gotta stay hydrated" jayde says

i pick up the cup and take a few sips before putting it down. i sigh as i zone out, "i know this week has been bad so far but we've got keep pushing for each other" jayde says before kissing my cheek.

i nod slightly. we make eye contact, "my life isn't perfect neither is yours but we have each other to keep each other up in our tough times babe." jayde continues.

"i know baby" i say softly

hayley came in the room with chris. chris has been like the best addition to our family other than jayden. he's so good to hayley and i trust him with her more than i trust myself some nights. he's great, "yo we heading out" chris says to us

"jules are you feeling better?" hayley asks me

i make an eh movement, "somewhat" i say

"jayde's staying with you all day right?" hayley asks

jayde nods to her, "chris get her to school safe y'all watch out" she says

"i got her as usual. are you going to the party tomorrow night after the boys game?" chris asks jayde

"i don't think so to be honest i've gotta stay with jules and make sure she's ok and hayley and jules have court tomorrow morning so i don't know what they'll mood will be like" jayde says

hayley face palms, "shit i forgot about court.. i don't have an outfit this is terrible" hayley says

i raise one eyebrow, "you're worried about an outfit?" i ask

chris laughs a bit jayde did too but not too much she knew i'd get annoyed, "yes i have no court attire but maybe mom can help" hayley says

"doesn't even fucking matter what you put on we're about to be in a room with someone i hate with my whole soul put on a damn swimsuit fuck it" i say with a little attitude

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now