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📍jules's apartment 😛
8:15 am

~ jules pov

last night jayden and i went to pound town reeeeeaaaaallll long. it was so intimate and nasty. she's all mine forever she not goin nowhere😂.

jayden and i are at the counter eating cereal. hayley's still getting ready for school in her room.

"are you going to the studio today?" jayde asks

i nod, "yep to go live with eddie one last time to confirm we're not working together anymore and for us to meet nate and do the contract shit" i say

jayden is looking at me. i watch her squint her eyes at me which made me smile, "what" i ask

"you really have to meet nate? there isn't any other options?" she asks

i lick my lips, "babe eddie recommended me him because he does music and he's close enough for him to recommend to the label.. but if nate doesn't want to do it then we will be looking for other options there's a lot of people who want to work with me now that it's public that eddie and i don't work together anymore and that he's going to the nba" i say

jayde sighs deeply and continues to eat, "you don't have to worry about him doing anything baby you know i'm loyal to you" i add on.

she looks at me and nods. she swallows her cereal, "i just don't trust him around you" she says

"and i don't trust devenity around you but she's still around and i let it be" i say

"i don't even hangout with her alone anymore she's just around because she's still in our friend group you're gonna have to be alone with him sometimes" she says

i rest my head in my palm and just look at her. i know she's always done the playing when it came to her other relationships but she's always been hurt by her last relationships. i mean for gods sake desiree cheated on her all the time and she stayed and that guy she dated before her he cheated on her too. i wasn't perfect with her at the beginning and she wasn't perfect to me either but we worked through it together and got where we are today.

i just don't want her to worry about things i won't allow to happen, "that boy will not get close enough to me to ever make you worry or feel jealous ok?" i say gently.

she rests back against the seat. we're looking at each other, "..i'll always be jealous when anybody has your attention." she says

i smile a little, "i understand" i say

she got down and put her bowl and mine in the sink. i'm thinking to myself until she came over to me getting my attention. she places her hands on my thighs and we look at each other, "if he tries you. tell me. immediately. if you don't i'll get mad and i don't wanna go toxic on you again i'm really fighting to stay calm for you because you deserve a healthy relationship. just please tell me." she says

she's so cute. she's never communicated with me about anything that has to do with her feelings. she tends to just distance and not talk about it but she's growing. i'm helping her grow. i smile at her, "i promise i'll tell you mi amor" i say

i kiss her lips. she helps me down from my seat, "oh and that party tonight umm are you going?" she adds on.

i start fixing up the counter, "it's bella's birthday kickback of course the whole school is going" i say

she was quiet for a second, "but what happened to the whole .. not going to parties anymore jules?" she asks

"it's my cousins party i'm going. do you not want me to for some reason?" i ask

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now