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bartels's household ♥️
8:00 am

~ jules pov

we were woken up by jayden's alarm and just as jayden was putting on her shirt after being naked last night her mom walks in to check on us. im in the bed under the blankets still fully naked and jayden has pjs on tho.

we both look at her, "we're up we didn't sleep through my alarm this time" jayden tells her

her mom nods, "ok well breakfast is downstairs and umm.. jules your father left your car outside the house for you to go to riverside to the studio and hayley to school your mom is looking into the house in san diego" her mom tells us

my hearts drops, "wait what? she's in san diego??? like right now??" i ask quickly

"juli" jayden says softly

"yes she went to tell the police her house needs to be watched since you girls will be there while she's not and she doesn't want you in danger when you go back" her mom says

i stay quiet, "i know you're worried for her but she's got this" her mom adds on before leaving the room.

i place my face in my palms to calm down. jayden rubs my back, "cmon let's shower and get ready" she says gently to me before kissing my forehead.

i remove my hands and nod. she helps me out of bed.

30 minutes later...

so we're at the table eating breakfast now. me hayley jayden and bronny. in silence. the only parent who is here is her mom but she's leaving as i speak. when the door shuts we all continue to eat in silence.

i look over at jayden and she's looking at her phone and eating hayley the same. jayden looks so good in jumpsuits😏. we need to get a matching nike tech since she already has like 2 pairs, "you look good baby" i say to her

she smiles, "thank you you look good too" she says

i smack lips, "no i don't don't lie it's ok" i say

hayley and bronny laugh a little, "you do look good even when you're bummy you're gorgeous" jayde says

i couldn't help but smile to myself. i caught her admiring me so it made me nervous and i started to blush, "stop looking at me" i say

jayden giggles and goes back to looking at her phone, "bron you have practice after school today?" jayde asks him

"nah wednesday" bron says

jayde nods, "wait so how am i getting to school when we're in la it starts like in 20 minutes" hayley says to us

"i'm taking you just later you're coming to the studio with me for the first time" i say

hayley raises her eyebrows, "oh i'm about to watch you make music for half the school day" she says

"yes we finish pretty quick it's like 2 hour long sessions in the morning if we have a meeting or shoot or interview we go there after and then go to school but since the album is dropping this month we want it out next week so we need more studio time. i might have a late night session sometime this week." i say

"making music is so sexy" jayde says while looking at her phone.

i just look at her until our eyes met. she smirks at me and i chuckle, "anyways we have to make the music videos too but we haven't decided which ones and when the release will be" i say

"i'm cool with eddie but y'all better buy me lunch today" hayley says

"and release that album soon im feenin" bronny says with a smirk.

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now