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📍jules's apartment 😌
8:20 am

~ jayden pov

it's the next morning after all that last night. jules is guilt pleasing me. i'm so tired from last night now she's making me more tired with this shit. hayley and i are eating breakfast downstairs in the kitchen and jules is up getting ready chris is too. we just beat them down here. i had to get down here before her or else she was gonna be all lovey on me and i don't want that i want her actions to prove she loves me.

"i didn't wanna say anything but i heard y'all crying last night mid sleep in the car. are y'all good?" hayley asks me

i shrug, "complicated. everything's complicated with her. i shouldn't be settling for this. we can never be just focusing on each other it's always someone else it's annoying. i wanna move on but i'm so in love with her. i wish i didn't fall for her.." i say

hayley looks sad for me, "she's my sister and all and i stand for her but... ive always been on her partners side when it came to relationships she's in. she causes the problems. which is why my mom calls her problem starter." she says

i sigh, "i see. and i can't fix her nobody can. i need to stand up and show her what's up. even if that means leaving her and crying my eyes out everyday then i have to." i say

hayley chuckles, "jules is gonna chase you until she gets you back i'm telling you i've never seen her be the way she is with you she's different and softer and kinder with you but when she was with joey it was manipulation and arguments everyday and sometimes they hit each other i've never seen her hit you and i know you don't hit her" she says

"i don't hit her she's hit me when she was mad just a little slap or she'll grab me... this is red flag now that i'm saying it out loud" i say

hayley giggles, "i'm praying for you.. if you do decide to leave her i'm still gonna text and hangout with you" she says

i smile, "thanks hayley" i say

hayley hugs me and i hug her back. jules came downstairs ready for the day. she just came over to me and looks so sad, "i'm so sorry for everything give me another chance to fix us" she says softly

i look at hayley and she's looking at jules. i look at jules, "i don't know if i can trust you" i say

jules looks like she's about to cry and i barely said anything yet, "what? why? baby please i'm sorry i'll stop my bullshit for you please don't leave me i need you i need you so bad you're the best thing that's ever happened to me i love you so much i'll change baby i'll change anything you want i promise i'll do it i love you please" jules whines

her eyes are full of tears. for a second i felt bad but then i remembered how they said she manipulates. this could be a tat-tic or she could be being real, "no." i say

jules continues to cry and sob. i look at hayley confused and hayley's looking at her like she's being serious, "she's being for real she's not lying she never cries after hearing no she just switches" hayley whispers to me.

i look back at jules she's still sobbing, "jayden please please.. i'll buy you a diamond ring i'll engage you we can take care of my baby together and go on trips and all that shit just please baby i need you i can't lose you you're all i have left nobody fucking loves me the way you do and i love you please" jules sobs

"you better fix yourself and stop cheating on me i'm so fucking serious i'll kill you if i catch you again julianna. no funny shit." i say in a serious tone.

jules nods while calming down. i give in and wipe her tears. i kiss her lips and she breaks down again. oh my gosh, "she's really really sorry cus damn" hayley laughs to me

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now