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mom's house 😛
7:30 am

~ jayden pov

jules woke me up about 30 minutes ago to get ready. we took a cold shower together to wake me and her up she forced me to do it because she doesn't want me to sleeping yet. i wanted to die the water was SO COLD i was fighting myself to stay under it and jules kept laughing at me apparently she takes cold showers in the morning and hot ones at night. she's insane i only take hot showers. but cold showers are good for you according to science. after the shower we brushed our teeth and cleaned our face. the flight is at 10 and we still have to go back to La so i can get my bags and go to the airport. i'm helping jules finish packing her two suitcases. we don't need much we're only there for the weekend. we're coming back sunday night.

we're sitting on the floor of her room. by her closet and she's finishing up. i'm just watching her and admiring quietly. once she closes the suitcase she acknowledges me again, "what?" she asks

i shake my head with a little smile on my face, "what do you wanna eat for breakfast?" she asks

"you" i say softly

jules chuckles, "what do you really wanna eat? we have to get it on the way to La" she says

i smile a bit, "i want you i'm serious" i say softly

jules looks at me in the eyes and starts smiling. she crawls over to me and kisses my lips, "no" she says softly

i smirk, "you're already in a position all i gotta do is just-" i say and was about to get up until jules grabs me to stay down. she giggles.

"jayden stop we can't do that right now we have to go" jules says

i admire her, "so we can do it tonight?" i ask softly

my eyes lock onto hers. i watch her hesitantly look away and blush, "i really want to.. but we talked about this jayde. we can't have sex yet." she says softly

i just look at her with that look until her eyes met mine again. she's blushing really hard and smiling a little. the room is silent but so loud with our tension. she's just sitting in front of me and we're just looking deep into each others eyes. i was about to make my hand touch her body until her bedroom door opens and we snap out of it to see who it is.

it's her mom with a robe and a cup of coffee in her hand. or i assume it's coffee. ms katie smirks at us a little and i wanted to laugh cus she be knowing what we have goin on😂, "what are y'all doing?" her mom asks

i giggle a bit and jules smiles, "we were finishing packing" jules says to her

ms katie is still smirking at us, "looked like you two were having a staring contest" she says

i laugh and jules giggles a bit, "what do you need mom?" jules asks her

"i just wanted to remind you that chino will meet you girls at the airport and your security should be there two right?" her mom asks her

jules nods, "i texted my manager about it and he said they'd be there" jules says

"ok and bring this" her mom says

her mom pulls out the gun jules had. i'm not even scared anymore when i see them carry guns in this family they literally need it for protection. her mom came in and hands it to jules.

jules analyzes it before looking at me, "i'm only going to use this for our protection." jules says to me softly

i nod. i look at her mom and so does she. her mom is smiling at us, "you two are too cute i can't" ms katie says

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