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dad's house
11:15 am

~ jules pov

so what happened yesterday was i ended up never going back home. i dropped off my friends and i kinda parked in a parking lot by the highway trying to decide if i should go home or not. then my mom texted me asking me what time i'm coming home and at this point it's already 10:30. i text her telling her i'm not coming home. she texted me a mini paragraph pretty much saying that she's sorry but also mentioning the fact that i still yelled at her knowing her house rules. my mom doesn't listen to me at times and it's hard to deal with. when she doesn't like something she blanks it out just like how i do. if she doesn't like something i'm doing she'll ignore it. but then when i tell her i'm not coming home she apologizes. i don't hate my mom i could never she's the best but sometimes i'm unheard in the most important moments. i left her on read last night and went to La. i came to my dad's house as much as i didn't want to i did because my mom would get very mad at me if i was in La at night anywhere but his house. my dad welcomed me in and he talked with me for a little. he was mainly asking why i came so late at night and what for. once i was in my room and everyone was sleep i snuck out the house and met up with ryder. i really just needed someone to talk to and jayden and i are cool but i wasn't about to sneak her out and risk her getting in trouble because of me again. me and ryder pulled up at a gas station and he bought us snacks and he brought the alcohol. so we sat on the curb it's like 3am and we're just eating and drinking and talking about life. deep talks. i felt really good getting what was on my chest off and ryder made me feel heard and understood. i been needing that. everyone loves ryder he's actually a hard person to become friends with. he's picking with who he calls his friends. he's cool with a lot of people but only calls a few people his actual friends. we spent about an hour and a half talking and laughing. he was telling me about his childhood stories and i told him some of mine. we made tiktoks and we posted them. we were so drunk last night. when we decided to head back we just sat in my car and tried to wait for the alcohol to not be so strong but it was taking a while. during the wait ryder asked me about the painting he made for me and if i had it hung up yet. i told him i have it on my wall in my La apartment and that i would look at it every morning i woke up. he found it funny. then my phone started blowing up with messages from my mom and dad like at the same time and im just staring at them spam me on my phone asking me where i am and im grounded when i get back and blah blah blah🙄. i literally powered my phone off that's how annoying they were being and i told ryder my parents are on my ass and he told me we can hangout at his house. it was only 10 minutes my dad's house was damn near 40 minutes so i drove us to his house and i tried to be as careful as possible we made it there safely. we got out the car and he snuck me in his house and i don't remember what happened after but im sure i knocked out once i touched the couch. i woke up in my dad's house like 20 minutes ago and im still hungover. i threw up as soon as i stood up. i ran to my bathroom and let it out. when i was done i just laid on the floor. i could feel myself fading in and out. i heard my dad calling me and when he saw me on the floor he started freaking out and sat me up. i really couldn't see anything i was passing out every few seconds and everything was spinning. my dad was yelling for his wife and he was calling someone on the phone. i happened to look down at my shirt and my hands and i saw blood. it scared me. then i passed out again.

1:20 pm

~ jules pov

from this morning to now i was at the hospital for a few minutes they just told me i was fine and i needed to eat and drink more water because my stomach was empty. the blood came from my nose it wasn't coming out of my mouth but i thought that until i got to the er. i was taken home by my dad and he was telling me that my mom is at his house right now and im shitting my pants because she's going to kill me when i get there. she likes to trust me but when i break her trust she doesn't let me have freedom for a long time. so im already expecting the worst when i get to the house. we got there and walk inside and my mom fixes hugs me and then she slaps me on the face and started cussing me out in spanish. i just let her yell but when she wouldn't shut up i caught an attitude and told her to relax. she grounded me and told me i was going straight home with her right now. im just looking at her blankly.

Until We Meet🤎 ~ jayulesWhere stories live. Discover now