Chap 1

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Hello everyone, It's Amelia-law again. This is my second book so far.
And I feel very happy writing this story 😀😊.

My first book name is called "The Royal Maid". Why don't you check it out in my god damn profile 😯.

Even though this is my second book Pls let your expectation not be high on me 😩.

This story was meant to publish on 1st of November, but I've decided to publish this on the 22nd of October, this is a trilling romantic and cute college story you'll need to get some popcorn and an orange juice for this.
Currently I'm eating beans 😁.

Cover made by @AnnamitaMuscaria 👆

Lets begin 👇💟👇👇

This POV is when Julia was 5 years old with Jayden and Rose. To be precised Jayden is 7 years while Rose is 6 years old. The three of them where in same class.

Third POV :

"Mummy... Mum... Mummy."

7 years old Jayden called out for his mum worriedly while holding 5 years old Julia and 6 years old Rose following from behind.

"Jay darling, what's the problem?" His mum asked rushing out from the kitchen and walking towards them.

"Mummy... Julia has got a booboo, " He said with a worried tone showing Julia's injured hand to his mummy.

"Juli dear, how did this happen?" Jayden mum, known as Mrs. Cynthia, asked.

"We were playing on the slide and she fell." Jayden answered as Julia and Rose looked at him with widened eyes.

Julia and Rose knew too well they weren't playing on the slide. Julia got her injury after the three of them went to steal muffins from Mrs. Madelyn's window as always and when they almost got caught they Jumped over the fence, while jumping the fence Julia fell and injured herself.

"Oh my, you three should learn to be more careful while playing. And why are you three smelling like muffins."

Jayden scold himself mentally as he stared at both Rose and Julia nervous.

"We just finished eating muffins at my house." Rose spoke up with a wild smile whilst praying that Mrs. Cynthia would believe her lie.

"Okay, stay here let me get the first aid box."

Mrs. Cynthia replied heading to the kitchen as the three released a breath they never knew they were holding.

Mrs. Cynthia returned back holding the first aid box. She opened it and squatted to Julia's height as she brought out the mentholated spirit and a little bandage.

Julia gave her cute little left hand to Jayden's mum as she cleaned the wound and plaster it with the little bandage.

"Come here Jayden, let me check if you also got injured." She said as Jayden came forward.

His mum checked him carefully and turned his face to the left as she spotted a scratch on her son's face. She cleaned it with the spirit and put a small bandage on his face.

"Rose step forward." She called for Rose.

As she stepped forward and checked her for any Injury, she spotted a slit cut on her arm and bandaged it.

"For once you three should try to be careful."

Jayden's mum scolded with a worried tone as the three kept staring at the floor with a sad expression. Jayden's mum stared at them lovingly and felt hurt shouting at this cute angels.

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