Chap 36

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☁I'm in love with
Your smile
Your voice,
Your body,
Your laugh,
Your eyes,
But most of all
I'm in love with You ☁

Julia Third POV.

Julia couldn't think straight again, what was in her mind was to understand why Rose hated her so much, she was thinking on how she could sort out things with Rose, does where the thoughts circulating her mind.

"Juli please listen to me." Jayden pleaded in worry.

"Jayden apologies to her." That was what came out from her mouth without thinking.

Jayden stared at her in confusion.

"Rose really likes you and I really really like you but I don't want us to fight or quarrel or misunderstand each other. So please I can give you to her," Julia said in anxiety.

Jayden was infuriated at what Julia said but he masked it up because he saw how selfless she was even though It would hurt her real bad.

"Julia why do you still consider her as your friend. She doesn't like you. She said bad things about you when you were still in Canada back then." Jayden told her.

"No she wouldn't." I replied back as I climbed upstairs in confusion.

Rose is my friend and she would do no such.
Once I was upstairs I opened the room door Jayden showed me the last time I was here. When I looked around I noticed it wasn't the room. This must be Jayden's room, everything here was grey so I turned around to leave but Jayden was standing in front of me.

"See Juli. That's what made me dislike her and dislike her to the core. She call you insufficient, that I chose her over you because you weren't worthy. I was wondering why Rose would say that about you. So when you finally came to the united states I decided to push you away from me so that Rose won't hurt you because of me but when I realized I was hurting myself, she was making me hurt you, I vowed I'll get you back. She isn't a good friend anymore." Jayden spilled out honestly.

I was shocked, my mouth was agape. Rose why? Why are you doing this? My heart squeezed for the millionth time with so much pain.
I thought Rose as my big sister for years. I cherished her for years and this is what she thought me as. Someone being unworthy.

The tears I tried to hold came rushing down. I have never been loved by the people I loved. This was worst than a heart break.

"Of course why won't she, It's normal for her to insult me because you have feelings for me and she likes you too. Just go back to her." I blurted out knowing to well I'll get even more hurt if Jayden leaves me.

I was selfish and also selflessly confused.

I want Rose to accept me as a good friend, I want Jayden to accept her feelings for him but I want to keep Jayden for myself and Rose by my side. I was so confused and in serious heart pain.

"Julia no. Juli never. Can't you see it. They are trying to keep us apart. First was Rose, then Britney and there was Andrew. I won't let any idiot separate us any further," Jayden said with hurts in his eyes.

"Have you ever wondered the night I had to pass through not seeing you or talking to you. I hated myself a thousand times for hurting you for Rose sake, so that Rose could still be by your side. Have you ever wondered how broken I was when you chose Andrew over me for Rose's sake. It infuriated. I just wanted you to be happy but at the end I left your hurt." Jayden told me as he cupped my face with his palms.

"No matter the shit they all say about you."
"I still fell for you. I fell in love with you the more. Because I'm in love with Your smile Your voice,Your body, Your laugh, Your eyes, But most of all I'm in love with You, I'll always be in love with you and I've always been Julia," Jayden said with all sincerity.

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