Chap 14

110 41 26

☁Don't be sorry...
I trusted you...
My mistake...
Not yours☁

Julia Third POV.

    "Jayden what the hell are you doing here?"  She questioned once more, her lips still parted in shock.

Jayden smiled at her warmly, walked up to her and grabbed her wrist, lightly pulling her towards his car.

Being annoyed with his presence and action she dragged her wrist free from his hold.

"I've told you not to ever touch me. Answer my fucking question?"

"I came to take you to school. Just you and I.'' He answered genuinely.

"Are you nuts?"

"No I'm not, Julia."

"Yes you're, Jayden. How did you know I'm leaving here?"

"Your brother showed me here." He answered honestly being desperate for her to follow him to school.

That chicken of human being I call my brother. She cursed in her mind. Dante just had to spoil everything. Julia thought angrily.

She closed the house door walking pass Jayden heading to school with her legs.

"Julia please." He begged.

But she chose to ignore him.
That won't move her.

You know why?
She can also remember when she begged him but he also kept deaf ears. The thought of it only angered her more.

"Dante, I'll blow off that big head of yours when I return from grocery shopping." I mumbled to myself.

I need to find a way to keep Jayden away from me.
It's becoming obvious in school.

Heading to my next class, Lilian and Loveth quickly clinched to me. Loveth at my left and Lilian at my right arm.
They are just funny set of human beings.

"Alright, lets head to history class." said Lilian as we three went to class, sitting at our usual chairs.

I grumbled most of the time in class. History once again is not my thing.

"Students, for your projects. You're going to write a short note on the history of queen Elizabeth the 2nd and how her burial took place."
"With that, you may all dismiss," the history teacher said.

Lilian and Loveth left the class with a smile while I was with a grumpy expression through out. How does he expect us science student to write such history assignment.

"The project was quite easy. Too easy." Loveth rejoiced.

When it comes to history. Loveth is the mastermind of it all.

"As always, History class was a bonus," Lilian said

"Most exactly." Loveth commented.

"I guess you're heading to physics class and I'm heading to accounting class," said Lilian.

"Yes I am." I answered.
"Loveth, what's your next class?"

"Literature in English."

"Alright lets head to class." Lilian chirped.

We were both going to our different class which were on the same hall, when we got stopped by Jane, Ruby and Shelby.

This three, who likes living useless.

I tried walking pass them but they push me back.

"Calm down," Jane said with an annoyed expression.

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