Chap 7

126 59 9

☁I didn't loose a friend...
I just realized...
I never had one☁

Julia Third POV.

Julia spat out little blood from her mouth continuously as her heart kept racing. The force in which her back made contact with the hard wall, left a huge pain at her back but to her glory she felt no spinal cord of hers broken.

The whole hall was in shock and after some minutes everyone returned to normal like it was something they were used to seeing.

Lilian and Loveth quickly ran to Julia's aid with agitation written on their face. If Julia had listen to them, she won't be in this condition. They felt her pain sincerely.

There's nothing painful than to get humiliated in front of everyone by your own friend.

"Julia.. Julia are you okay? Say something". Lilian pleaded to hear Julia's voice.

But Julia was silent, her head was bent so low that her brunette hair covered her face from the shame she was feeling.

Rose walked up to them expressionless as she looked down at Julia with a rigid expression.

"I hope this was enough for you to wise up". She simply said and walked off with out helping Julia.

Only if she listened to me, this wouldn't have happened to her. Rose thought as her heart squeeze for leaving a very good friend of hers helpless.

Lilian and Loveth helped Julia up by carrying her to the female restroom, once they were in, they closed the door as Julia dropped to the ground still being mute.

Why me? Why me? I asked myself continuously as tears began to fall from my eyes.
Jayden you're the worse. Maybe I would have moved on.
Maybe I would have forgotten about him when he acted like a jerk the first day I laid my eyes on him.
He himself forgot about me.
He forgot about the friendship we shared.
Our usual saying was;
Mess with one of us then you mess with the three of us.
But today, now I know it would never be the same.

"She doesn't want to fucking leave me alone. Yes... I fucked her once... "

Where did such lie come from? Since when did I ever had a sexual relationship with him?

"... Since then she has been forming lies of me being her friend since childhood...".

His words rang in my head again.
Between him and I who the shit is lying.

Enough, enough of this shit.

He took me as his past friend, his outdated friend and so I'll do same... I'll do same bitterly.

''Julia dear... Please speak to us". Loveth voice begged.

And for Rose. I can't accept the fact that she was right. If I would have listen. She warned me almost all the time. But my unmatured brain said otherwise.

But... But. It was mean of her not to help me when I was in need for her to do so.
My mission was to bring us back together but my mission failed because of Jayden. He's the real reason for this.

In minutes tears dropped from my eyes. I'm such a fool, I should have known that people change over the years.
Rose changed,
Jayden changed over the years completely, he changed into an ill minded person, with no feeling.
The more I thought of it the more tears fell from my red eyes.

I got up and stride towards the mirror as I brushed my hair backwards with my hand.

"Julia you will not cry, you will not cry... you hear me. You will not cry for that insufficient fool, that frustrated idiot". I said angrily pointing at myself in the mirror.

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