Chap 4

156 66 14

☁The only way to have friends...
Is to be one☁

Julia Third POV

Julia gradually walked up to the restroom and closed the door behind her. All the time her head was bent low, until she got to the big mirror occupying the female restroom. She gradually raised her head to look at herself in the mirror.

She felt low esteemed. All her life, she always felt low esteemed. The people who were there to give her that little courage are being difficult to understand, she thought.

          I looked at myself carefully as a tear dropped from my left eye.
When I cry Rose and Jayden were there,
When I'm sad Rose and Jayden were there,
When I'm lonely Rose and Jayden were there and
When I'm been bullied Rose and Jayden were there.

But today Rose and Jayden watched me get bullied in front of everyone, I wasn't only bullied I was also Insulted and mocked. What the shit is wrong with them now?

I can't give up. If I want my friends back I'll have to be strong, I'll try all my possibility to bring them back. I cleaned the few tears that dropped from my face and tried to smile but it faded because I saw it was a sad smile.

How will I attend classes now?

Then a female with dark light skin entered into the restroom smiling at me. Well... Here's another student to mock me. I studied her carefully ready to hear the shit she would say but she just stretched fort her hand handing me some cloths.

I tilt my head in confusion and she smiled. Those smiles of hers were charming.

"Aren't you going to at least receive the cloths I'm lending you?" She asked still smiling at me.

I kept studying her appearance. She wore a hoodie and a blue jean trouser and packed her black natural curly hair with a rubber band.

"Uhm... May I know why you're lending me those cloth of yours?"

"Because I'm trying to be a good Samaritan, duh! I've got cloth to help someone in need for it, why don't I lend it to that person. So pa.. lease take it." She replied still smiling.

I took the cloths from her saying a "Thank you so much", as I changed into a hoodie and a black leggings.

"Thanks so much." I appreciated once more feeling a tints of happiness.

"No problem mo... That's just me helping students in need."

"So... I'll like to know my helper's name." I said grinning nervously.

"Oh... Well... My name is Loveth... Loveth Simeon."

"Wow... Nice name for a nice person like you."

"Yeah..." She said blushing a little.
"I'm from Nigeria and you're?" She asked.

"I'm from Canada. And're beautiful with that natural hair of yours." I complimented.

"Yep...It's normal for we Nigerian girls." She chuckled nervously.

"I'm Julia Robert... The needy." I said jokily.

"Oh I see... I'm your helper your my needy." She said grinning and we both ended up chuckling.

"Thanks so much, really... I'm really great full."

I appreciated genuinely and she nodded smiling happily as we left the restroom heading to our different direction.

Now I get to understand that
The only way to have friends is to be one

She's such a nice soul.


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