Chap 11

110 48 4

☁A single rose can be my garden...
A single friend, my world☁

Julia third POV

Yesterday was now a forgotten story for Julia. She entered into the school building heading to her locker with a rigid face.

"Good morning sunshine." Lilian greeted closing Julia's opened locker.

Julia stared at Lilian trying not to freak out. Now she's not in a good mood at all.

"You know, there's a more better way to greet me this morning," she said plainly, opening her locker again and taking out her agric note book.

"Nah, I prefer this way better. Beside Why the frown? Give me a delicious smile." Lilian said giddily dragging Julia's cheeks.

Julia just stood there wondering why she was in such mood.

"Hello girls." Rose greeted with a smile while walking up to us as Loveth follow from bind.

"Hello." Loveth greeted too.

"Hey there, doesn't Julia look cute this morning." Lilian cooed still dragging my cheeks.

"Okay cut it out," I said slapping her hands of my face.

"Good morning girls, I'm heading to class now." I said rigidly walking away from them.

"Calm down Julia, Loveth and I are coming with you." Rose said walking bind me in a hurry.

"Aww, it seems I'm the one left out." Lilian said clinging to my right arm.

What's up with this girl?

"You know. Yesterday, Jayden attitude was different?" Lilian said with an imaginary smile.

Like I care.

"He seemed friendly and nice, this time."

Who cares.

"The way he wrapped his hands around you was something I never expected."


"And those smile of his was so eye catchy."

I'll gladly shaved it off his face.

"Can you imagine, he almost licked your lips with his sweet tou...''

"Shut it Lilian." I cut in facing her with an annoyed expression.

"W... W... Why...?" She stuttered

"What is even wrong with you? Why the hell are you telling me about what happened yesterday? Do you think it makes me happy to hear that? Jayden is my enemy. He betrayed me, humiliated me, mocked me, he even denied me. You saw what he did and here you're talking about him in front of me. You're meant to be my friend and support me but it seems you switching side now. Don't you ever talk about that jerk in front of me." I spoke angrily walking out on her.



It was recess time already as my friends and I ate our meal in silence. I looked at Lilian who seemed so gloomy, Instead of eating her veges she was playing with them.

Maybe I was too hard on her?
Maybe I shouldn't have talked to her in such a way?

"Lilian I apologies for my irrational behehaviour towards you this morning."

"Nah, It's not your fault. I guess I myself wasn't thinking on how you would feel while I was talking about Jayden."

"Lets just forget about that jerk. I don't want him to be the reason why will argue again."

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