Chap 9

112 53 14

☁A real friend is one who walks in...
When the rest of the world walks out ☁

Julia Third POV

      Julia woke up quite too early with a smile plastered on her face. The thoughts of baking smiling cookies for Miss. Nina made her so happy. She was truly happy to know what's been bordering Miss. Nina for 2 years since she knew her.

     After her normal routine in the house, she ran out of the house and stopped the next coming bus. She entered into it staring at everyone with a bright expression.

        She finally arrive at school running towards Miss. Nina office, hoping she'll meet her before she goes for her next lectures.

          I knocked at Miss. Nina office waiting for her response.

"Come in."

I opened the door stepping inside her office closing it behind me.

"Good morning Miss. Nina."

"Good morning Julia. What brings you to my office this early?" She asked with a calm expression.

"To see how you're doing and to give you this delicious cookies with a smiling face." I replied handling the cooky box to her.

She collected it and opened it as a smile was now evident on her squeeze face.

"So taste one." I said giddily.

Miss. Nina picked a cooky and ate.

"This is really good." She complimented and moan to the flavour.

"Yes Miss. Nina. All through hard times, smile all the way."

She nodded taking another piece.

"Miss. Nina may I know why you called for me some days ago before I met you crying?" I asked curiously.

"Yes, you are known as one of my good student in math, what's happening now? Your test mark are getting low," she said.

The smile I had on my face dropped instantly.

"I don't know Miss. Nina."

"As your teacher, I want you to do better than this in your next test. If you're having problem you can meet me." She said softly as I nodded my head.

"This is all I want to tell you, thanks for the cookies Julia." She appreciated.

Miss. Nina just told me a 'thank you'. Wow! I changed her.

"You're welcome miss Nina. Always remember that, A real friend is one who works in when the rest of the world walks out and you'll surely meet that person soon," I said leaving her office to my next class.


     Running through the halls like a mad woman to physics class. Mr. Silas hate student entering class once he is in. Bumping into students and apologizing at the same time, I could finally see the physics class door and Mr. Silas walking towards it.

One more speed and I'll make it. Before you knew it I bumped into a hard back and all my school stuff falling to the floor.

Come on. Why this? I was so... I didn't know how I should react. Either I should be angry or apologies for my irrational movement but once I looked up an angry expression surfaced to see it was Jayden I bumped into.

Why is he everywhere?

I turned my head towards the physics class to see Mr. Silas has entered. Grr... Damn you Jayden. What excuse can I give?

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