Chap 26

61 23 2

Ignite by Alan Walker

Julia Third POV

          Julia gradually opened her eyes as she felt warm hands under the shirt she wore. When her eyes was fully opened, she saw that Jayden was still laying beside her.

So it wasn't a dream. She thought. She quietly watched his facial expression. He was sleeping like a child. She also thought.

"Very handsome." She mumbled to herself.

Now she understand why all girls wants him and why most guys envied him.

She just laid beside him enjoying the warmth of their body but she had to go to school. She proceeded to wake him up but doesn't know how.

I can't touch him, he's shirtless. She thought to herself. But she was enjoying the sight.

"Jayden have grown over the years." She mumbled once again.

"Jay..." I said his name trying to wake him up but he didn't wake.
"Jay, get up. It's morning already." I told him.

But this human won't wake up.
I then started tapping him on the cheeks with my fingers.
"Pls get up." I added.

"Juli, I don't want to." He whined snuggling into me.
"Damn the only thing obstructing me from feeling your body is this shirt you're putting on." He told me.

Jayden have got a very nasty mind.

"Whatever, just get the hell up." I spoke to him sternly.

"Alright, if you want me to do so. Let me kiss you." He gave me an option.

"You idiot. No. If you don't get up now, I'll hurt your balls this morning." I threatened as his hands came off my waist.

"That wouldn't be totally nice," he said getting up.
"Take a shower and I'll be down stairs." He told me and pecked my cheek and left the room.

Jayden can be a pervert at times.

I rushed into the bathroom and when I came out I saw some cloths on the bed.

"This ain't my wears," I said to myself.
"This are new cloths." I mumbled to myself once again.

Jayden got me this new cloths.
Should I wear them?
Of course I should, I forgot to wash my cloths I wore yesterday.


After a lot of convincing, Jayden drove me to school.

"Jay. I don't think this is right." I complained.

"Just relax."

"What will people say in college."

"I don't give a fuck on what they'll say." He told me.

"They'll say we are in a relationship and they'll also say I'm a wench and all," I said nervously knowing quite well that most student don't really like me.

"If they try any nonsense with you, I'll show them a piece of my shitty mind," he  said in a protective tone.

Why do I feel I could trust him. But why have I soften over him? The barrier I placed between him and I is crashing down.

"Alright, if you say so." I replied nervously.
"But can you stop liking m..."

"Never," he said in an obsessed tone.

As I got down from Jayden's car everyone kept at staring me. Oh no everyone is staring.
Jayden everyone is staring. I couldn't move. Everyone started gossiping already and giving me dirty glares.

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