Chap 13

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☁True friends are never apart...
Maybe in distance...
But never in heart ☁

Julia Third POV

        As Julia kept walking towards her house, she still felt irritated as Jayden stride beside her. After 10 more buildings her house will come in sight, so she quickly stop as Jayden did same.

What is wrong with him? She kept on wondering to herself.

"Back off." She snapped out suddenly.

"I won't." Jayden replied sternly.

"I said back off," Julia said in an unfriendly tone and Jayden was shocked with her response.

"I won't let you know where I live. For you plan to humiliate me again in my house won't work." She blurted out looking at Jayden angrily.

Jayden shocked expression turned to more shock, if that was possible.

"Why will I do that?" He asked in disbelief

"Because you have done it before, all you are good at is to make a mockery out of someone."

"Julia, come on. I won't do that."

"Don't tell me such nonsense and leave me alone."

"Why are you so bound on letting me leave you alone?"

"Because your presence irritates me." She answered outrageously caring less on how Jayden will feel.

Jayden looked at her with a hurt expression but immediately changed it to a serious face.

"Why do my presence irritates you?" He asked with a smug smile knowing he was going to annoy her more.

She groan out frustratingly, "Because Y has two branches and a tail." She deadpanned.

"That's reasonable," he said chuckling.

"I'm not joking. Jayden leave my sight."

Jayden stared at her with hurt and confusion and sighed.
He shouldn't feel sad, he made her behave this way to him. So he'll face it.

"Alright." He surrendered.

There's was no need for him to push it further, he'll look for another means, he thought to himself.

      Jayden, what are you up to?
Suddenly you want to know where I'm leaving.
I'll need to find out, before he fouls me again.

Once I made sure he was out of my sight, I quickly walked up to my house. I brought out my keys to open the door but it was already unlocked.

That's strange. I locked up this house before leaving for school this morning. So who will unlock the door without a key.
It must be a thief. 

I quietly opened the door leaving it wide open for safety purpose of running out. I could hear a running tap in the kitchen sink so I quietly walked up to the kitchen but couldn't sight anyone there.

Who will leave the tap to run continuously?

I went over to the tap and switched it off. In the process, I heard the opening and closing of a room door. I quickly grabbed a glass bottle for defence, taking few steps out from the kitchen into the sitting room as my hands and legs shivers in fear. Once again I sighted an image opening the room door and closing it again. I quietly walked up to the room door and stood beside it waiting for my prey to step out.

The door opened once more as the stranger intended to step out. I raised the glass bottle ready to smack it on the head, that's when I heard a familiar shout.

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