Chap 18

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            Roses by Saint Jhn.

Julia Third POV

      Julia and Jayden were now done reading. Jayden immediately got up to meet the waiter, standing close to the counter. After telling him want he wants he went straight back to his sit.

"Well reading was quite interesting." He tried having a little conversation with Julia but she only nodded her head in reply.

After some seconds she tried getting up but Jayden held her wrist firmly making her sit back.

"Just wait a little." He pleaded with his eyes and he was glad she didn't restrain him as she sat down looking at him.

The waiter came with a tray of 2 pineapple juice and two burger, he served them and went back to his post.

"What's this?" Julia asked suspiciously.

"I just want to eat with you, I missed lunch." He explained.

"If you missed lunch, how is that my business?" I asked rudely.

"Pls Juli." Jayden pleaded.

I just don't understand Jayden at all. He just changed completely, he is even begging me. Jayden what happened to you?

I sighed frustratingly, I guess there's no harm in eating a burger and drinking a glass of juice.

"Alright, I'm eating because you haven't eaten," I said taking the hot burger from the plate biting from it.

"Thank you." He appreciated smiling happily and genuinely as I nodded my head in response.

After eating we were already heading out of the cafe when some bad guys slammed the door on my face, my forehead hitting it with force as they also walked out laughing.

"Ouch... " I whined in anger.

" Are you okay? Is your head bleeding? Is the pain too bad?" Jayden asked quickly as I could sense concern lacing out of his voice.

"I'm good." I replied.

"Are you sure, maybe the swell is too bad, let me get some ice cubes," he said worriedly, trying to turn around but I stopped him replying.

"I'm okay, it isn't serious." I assured with painful smile.

"Are you really sure?" He asked not fully convinced.

"I'm okay Jayden, I'm fine." I replied walking out from the cafe as Jayden did same.

Jayden worried face immediately turned to anger as he sighted the bad guys who were talking and laughing. Jayden processed to walk towards them as I held his elbow shaking my head which signals no.

Jayden held my hands warmly and removed my hand from his elbow gently and walked up to them.

Jayden stop. Just let them go.

"You fucking morons, can't you see what you've done?" He asked arrogantly.

"Who the hell are you calling moron, ass?" One of them asked also being annoyed walking towards Jayden as 4 of his guys stride bind him.

"Who else, if not you jackass."

"Jayden It's okay, lets go." I pleaded but it went deaf ears.

"So you want to fight us, bitch?" One of them asked showing him his gun while some are with knives and daggers.

Shit! They are armed.

"Jayden they are armed, pls lets go." I begged tugging him through his jacket.

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