Chap 31

59 25 1

Cloud 9 by Tobu and Itro
Seriously guys 👆 this music is a sound track.
If you love sound tracks try this music.

Guys I'm looking for the right chapter for Jayden's POV. Pls understand 😚😘😁

Julia Third POV

Julia ordered her meal heading to where her friends were sited as she butt in with a smile.

"Hey yo Julia." Maxwell greeted her.

"Hey there Julia." David greeted her.

"Hello Jul," Loveth and Lilian said at the same time.

"Hey guys." I greeted them with a smile.
"How was all ya weekends?"

"Wonderful." David replied placing his hand around Loveth's shoulders as she smiled shyly.

"Mine was great." Lilian answered. "Great by me," said Maxwell.

"And mine was beautiful with Julia and I," Jayden said pecking me on the lips as he sat beside me.

Seriously, he is doing the friendship peck thing.

His friends and my friends stared at Jayden and I with a suspicious look but they pushed it aside.

I've come to think of it. Jayden has kissed me before, it was a kiss I've tried to get off my mind since last year but can't, so when he peck me on the lips why was I shocked.

Julia you're one confused human being.

"Why are you touching your lips Juli, want me to suck it." Jayden whispered into my ears and pecked me on the right side of my cheeks bringing me out from my thought.

And then I realized I was touching my lips remembering what happened on Saturday.

I covered my fingers on his face pushing his face with it backwards as he kept laughing. I just narrowed my eyes towards him and kept eating. Jayden can be a pervert at times but I sometimes like that about him.

I just smiled to myself. He's a cool friend.

Someone wrapped their hands around my shoulder and pecked me on the cheek Jayden just peck a sec ago. It felt ordinary compared to Jayden's kiss.

What's with me and comparing?

"Julia can you visit my place on Thursday." Andrew whispered into my ears which was loud enough for Jayden hear.

I just nodded my head in reply. "Thanks baby," Andrew said and left.

The word baby sounded so plain, I couldn't feel anything, just nothing.

I stared at Jayden to see him staring at his meal with an annoyed expression.

"Juli, next time tell your boyfriend not to come to my territory to tell you nonsense," he said angrily as he mentioned the word 'boyfriend' in a mockery tone.

"Okay." I answered not to cause any argument.

He gets annoyed with Andrew for nothing.


I was leaving the school premises when I saw Rose also leaving too. Lilian and Loveth went home with their boyfie.

"Rose." I called her but she didn't answer.


She still chooses to ignore me.

I quickly walked up to her and stopped her holding her wrist.

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