Chap 25

64 23 1

☁ I can't feel myself...
Can I feel you☁

Julia Third POV.

Jayden was now done tutoring Julia and all those while she kept smiling because she had full understanding of what he was explaining. As Jayden taught her, they kept munching on the chips and taking sips of their apple juice.

"So you see, you were just missing some simple steps." Jayden told me, smiling straight at me.

"Yeah, you're so right." I replied packing up my books with a smile being very happy.

Yes I was truly feeling so happy, sincerely happy.

Jayden suddenly cupped my face once again. What's with him and holding my face on his palm and the funny thing was I didn't restrain.
I myself couldn't understand myself.

"You know that I love that smile on that your cute face, right?" He questioned staring deep into my hazel orbs.

I couldn't answer I just kept staring at him too. "I feel glad that I could put a sweet smile on your face." He told me while caressing my side cheek with his thumb.

Such action made electric shock flow over my body. Heavens, what's this feeling?

"And I'm happy I was able to put that smile on you sweet face," he said with a genuine smile.

Why is he telling me all this? I don't understand.
Why can't I pull myself from his gentle touch.

"I wish you could stay a little longer but your brother will be worried." Jayden reminded standing up from his sit as his warm hands left my face.

I started missing it. Julia are you thinking straight?

I felt like staying a bit longer too, but it would be inappropriate.
But why do I feel that way all the sudden.

Guys, I'm confused.

I stood up following him from bind, leaving his warm house.
I got into his car as he drove me home.

He walked me up to my house door as I kept knocking on it.
Why won't my brother open up?

"Dante." I called out. "Dante..." I called out for the millionth time.

"I guess he isn't at home now." Jayden told me the obvious.

"How can he just leave the house without leaving any spear keys?" I asked being frustrated with my brother's ignorance.

I brought out my phone to call him as he picked up his call.

"Hello sweet heart." My brother sweet talked expecting me to smile.

"You stubborn head. I'm locked outside because of your ignorance." I yelled at him through the call.

"Just calm down, just..."

"Don't tell me to calm down, where do you expect me to sleep. For heaven sake, I'm heading to school tomorrow and that didn't cross your mind." I cut him off still being annoyed.

"Come on sis, relax. Stay at Jayden's house for tonight." Dante suggested.

"What?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Yes. That's our only option because I won't be back till tomorrow afternoon." Dante told me.

"Dante..." I said being frustrated at him.

How can I stay at a guy's house. Especially Jayden's house.
Well, I don't see anything wrong about it. My second mind says.

"Give the phone to Jayden," said Dante.

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