Chap 32

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Sky by MuraD.
This 👆is another cool sound track.

Thanks for giving this book a chance.

Jayden Third POV.

Jayden stared at Julia in class countless time. He saw her full attention was on the teacher but he knew too well that she wasn't listening.

It bothered him because, she hardly blinks and her face was so pale. She would make some talks with students in class but today she was still as a bone.

He would ask her what happened to her later after class.

After I tried asking Juli why she was in a gloomy mood, I got to figure out she was crying.

The question here was, why was she crying?
Who the hell made my Juli cry?

I have two people I suspect.
Either It's Rose
Or Andrew.

No, no matter how Rose may be rude to her, it will never stop Juli from being lively or put on a gloomy face for hours.
The only idiot who will make her fill frustrated now, is

I saw this coming. He has hurt Julia, he has hurt my Juli and he will not fucking get away with it. He will never.

I also rushed out of the school building to catch up with her but she has already gone. I wanted to visit her but today wasn't possible, I was going to collect some documents from the airport for my dad.

Shit. I caused. Juli just hang on.

I was already back from the international airport. As I drove straight to Julia's home. I knocked on her door 3 times but she didn't open up so I just kept knocking. Suddenly, I heard her unlocking the door and the door flung open.

Julia's face was a mess, her eyes was so red also with her nose. But she still managed to look so cute. I was about to step into the house as she close the door a little.

"Jayden please leave." She told me as she kept sniffing.

"Juli what the hell happened. Just tell me."

"I said go away," she said once again closing the door but I placed my foot to stop the door from closing up.

I opened the door and stepped in closing it bind me.

"Jayden what part of leave me alone you don't understand?"

"A lot of it." I replied.
"Juli why are you crying? Who made you cry? Please just tell me."

"And if I tell you, what are going to do about it? You're just going to mock or laugh at me," she said in an offensive tone walking straight to her room.

I hate the fact she still thinks of me laughing and mocking her.
I'll never do that again.

I held her wrist lightly. "Juli you know you can tell me anything right?" I said softly

She looked into my eyes as tears fell from it uncontrollably.
I could see hurt, pain and betrayal surfacing.
Who did this to her?

"Just go home, please." She begged for me to leave as she opened the door of her room walking straight to her bed. That will be impossible for me to leave.

"Juli I can't leave you in such pain, I can't leave you feeling so hurt and I can't leave you when you feel betrayed. I'm going to stay here with you. To relieve that pain and hurt you're feeling. I'm your friend and that's what I should do. To always be there for you so I won't leave," I said and then she broke down crying

She cover her face with her palms and started crying so loud. Julia is very emotional but since the they I knew her she hasn't cried like this before, never. I walked up to her and hugged her, my heart did squeezed to see her in a mess like this.

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