Chap 24

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Headlight by Alan walker.

Julia Third POV

       Julia was sited at the library trying to study and solve more math problems. She started this behaviour since yesterday. She kept trying to understand why she failed so badly in her math test.

School was quite over and her friends said their goodbyes, that's why she's in the library studying her ass off.

"Failing are for losers." I mumbled to myself over and over again.

I kept begging myself to at least get one equation of calculus correctly.

Solving the question over and over again, tears filled my eyes because I felt like a loser already. Rose can solve this, why can't I.

I thought to myself.

Out of anger I threw the book off my table as the tears fell uncontrollably from my eyes. Stupid math, giving me stupid headaches.

"You know. Why don't you just take a break? And get back to it. You've be stressing yourself," Jayden said coming out of nowhere in the library.

I thought everyone went home.

"What are you doing here?" I asked paying no attention to him anymore.

"I can't go home until you're also safe at home." He replied staring at me waiting for my reply.

I stared at him a bit shock. What is with Jayden and being reliable this days? He kept surprising me in everything he does.

I've forgiven him but what he did to Rose some years ago angered me a little. I can see he's trying to be a change person but why am I not accepting it?

"I'll be your math tutor," he said catching me off guard.

"I'm fine without a math tutor, I appreciate." I replied trying to pack up my stuff in my bag.

"That means you're fine with scoring 24/100 in math or even lower," he said plainly rubbing my poor math score to my face.

He was right. I'm not fine with any of that but I don't want him to be my math tutor.

"I said I'm fine without any further lessons." I replied being annoyed with what he said.

"Well I don't need your permission before I tutor you. Your brother have given me such right to do so. So lets go."

"My brother gave you permission. You must be joking," I said in disbelieve.

He brought out his phone and dialed a number on it.
"Take." He told me as I collected the phone from him to see my brother's name on the call ID.

I placed the phone on my ears and said, "Hello."

"Jayden is your math tutor from now on." Dante declared.

"But..." I try to object.

"Don't but me. You scored below average and you still say a but. If you don't want to be scolded my mum and dad you'll do as I say." Dante imposed.

Jayden you snitch.

"Secondly, you'll be studying at Jayden's house and you'll do exactly everything he says, have you heard me?"

"Why at his house?" I asked in disbelieve.

"I said, have you heard me?" Dante asked once more being stern at his words.

"Yes... Dante." I replied releasing a sigh of defeat.

And then the line from the other side died.

"So lets go," Jayden said with a smile.

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