Chap 35

66 23 10

Paradise by Cold play.

Julia Third POV

         Immediately Jayden dropped Julia at her place she blew a kiss at Jayden as Jayden caught the invincible kiss and placed it on his left side of his chest.

His action only made Julia giggle with joy as she ran towards her house opening the front door.

"Good evening Dante."

She immediately greeted her brother who sat at the sitting room watching TV news and ran into her bedroom with full excitement.

Dante turned to question Julia about her whereabout but she was already in her bedroom rolling on her bed with so much excitement and giggling attitude.

"I can't believe it." She screamed with so much happiness.

"Will you quiet down and stop being so childish." Dante grumbled out in annoyance.

"So whatever." Julia screamed still caring less as she jumped up and down her bed.

Once she was tired of being crazily happy she dropped on her bed and brought out her phone from her pocket and called Loveth.

"He still likes me." I told her straight.

"You don't mean it." Loveth replied understanding fully well of what I just said.

"I'm not kidding."

"Woah woah waoh. Girl I'm busy now. You're going to spill everything out on Monday," she said also feeling excited.

"Yes I will." I replied back as the line went dead.

I also scrolled and tapped on Lillian's number.

"Lilian." I spoke up first.

"Yeah." She replied.

"Guess what?"

"Guess what? I'm not really good at guessing." She told me as I could sense her confusion.

"I told him."

"You told who what?" She asked.

"I told Jayden." I elaborated.

"Oh my gosh, what did he say? Tell me what the hell he said."

"He still likes me Lilian, he still has feelings for me. After everything." I told her with a wide smile plastered on my face.

Any further smile can make my face tear.

"Oh my gosh. I'm jumping on my bed for your sake." I could hear her say, while I chuckled lightly.

"On Monday, you'll need to spill every single beans about it, okay?"

"Yes I will."

"Have you told Loveth about this sweet news?" She asked.

"Yes I have."

"So beautiful. Chat you later babe," she said cutting the line.


Early in morning I got dressed as I checked myself on the mirror wondering if I looked presentable to Jayden.

For heaven sake why am I bordering about it? Jayden loves me just the way I am.

I wore a hoodie and a blue jean with a simple fancy sandal. I brushed my hair with my hand and I rushed out of the house.

"See you later bro." I told Dante closing the door bind me.

Before I could move a step from my door, I could see Jay waiting for me. Immediately I saw myself smiling.

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