Chap 2

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Guys, when you see 👉 Julia Third POV :
It means the story line is based on Julia' but It's being narrated by the Author "That's me''.

I hope you understand.

Lets begin 👇💟👇👇💟

Julia Third POV:

It has reach the year Julia Robert was going to meet her long gone friends in the united states. It's been 5 years since she set her eyes on Jayden and 2 years since Rose fled to U.S.A.
Her mission was to bring them together and continue from were their friendship stopped.

Urmm... hello I'll like to intro myself again. I'm Julia Robert and I'm very sure the author forget to tell you that I've got an elder brother called Dante Robert who also lives in U.S.A.

Today is the day I'll be traveling to the states to attend college there. And what excited me the most was that my two best friends are schooling there.

I laid on my small rectangular bed and was scanning through Instagram post on my phone as I kept on liking every photos of Jayden. He's so hot and popular.

He has gotten up to 1 million followers. I've tried to message him but he doesn't reply. Puff... Who am I kidding? He has millions of followers, and how do you expect him to see your message talk of less replying to it.

I tap into his sister site to see a photo of her with a cute puppy. Of course Jayden has a little sister in high school but "Amelia-law" the author also forgot to tell you that.

(Amelia-law: Hello character It's not my fault, go back to being normal).

His sister I've got 3.2k followers and for Rose she have got 2.1k followers. Well, what can I say? Rose is beautiful.

Men, if I get to see Jayden again the surprise on his face is gonna be priceless. I'm just too excited but a bit anxious of how he'll act when we meet.

"JULIAAA... Julia dear. Lets head to the international airport your flight is half an hour." Mum yelled from the kitchen.

"Okay mum," I yelled back.

I quickly got up from the bed and walked up to my standing mirror with the most biggest smile, if that's possible. I hurriedly stared at my reflection on the mirror and grinned happily to see that I no longer put on braises. I wore a yellow top shirt, a black skinny trouser and with my yellow flat shoes.

Seriously, when I say I'm not a dresser, I am not a dresser at all.

I rushed out of my room heading outside as I immediately locked the door and hopped into the back sit of my father's car smiling like an idiot.

"Oh my honey, Juli is in a cheerful mode." My mum said checking her makeup face on a small mirror.

"Yep, there's nothing more than reuniting with your long gone friends from childhood." Father replied.

"Owhuh owhuh... And I heard a lot about spring high college, having good laboratory, conducive air in classes, having a large ground or field for playing games and sport. School is gonna to be awesome."  chirped as my parents laughed.

We got to the airport as my parents hugged me for the millionth time and advised me for the billionth time.

Why do I feel like I'm over exaggerating?

"Darling you can choose wherever you wanna stay, okay? You can choose to stay at the dorm or the new house we bought over there," mum said in a concerned tone.

"And yes, the house is adjacent to Rose parents house but 10 building away from Jayden parents house." Father added.

"Yeah you two told me that." I replied immediately with a smile.

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