Chap 34

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                 We'll meet again by The Fat Rat

Julia Third POV

   The next day came and Julia rushed to school to avoid being late for her chemistry test. She came out of the class with a big fat smile. The test was easy, she'll surely get her required score. That's when Rose bumped into her purposely and harshly.

"You moron." Rose Insulted arrogantly.

"I'm so sorry Ro. I didn't mean too." I tried to explain.

"Don't call me that shit." Rose yelled at me and left.

What did I do to receive an arrogant behaviour from her?
She isn't being nice at all.

"Hey girl." Lilian waved at me as she stride towards me with Loveth bind her.

"Hello girls." I replied with a down expression.

"Come on love, why that expression?" Loveth asked.

"It's Rose."

"I've told you to forget her," Lilian said with a tints of annoyance.

"What did she do?" Loveth questioned.

"She Insulted me. She called me a moron."

"Just like that?" Lilian asked being shocked.

"Just like that." I answered.

"She's taking this her shitty behaviour too far," Loveth said angrily.

"Just let it be. Maybe she was in a bad mood." I told them.

"Bad mood my foot."

"I'm going to my next lecture bye." I waved at them and left.

I didn't want them to ask me any further questions.

On my way to astrology class I saw Jayden in front of the door and nervousness creped in.
Why am I nervous?
I see him most of the time and I'm being nervous.
And before you knew it I was standing in front of him with a wired smile. I can tell you that my cheeks hurts now with this unnecessary smile on my face.

"Hey Juli, ready for Astro?"

"Yeah." I replied chuckling nervously.

"Alright lets go in as best friends forever, right?" He enquired as his left hand was now on the my shoulders and his left hand waving the air like bff was written on the air.

I was shocked how his hand was around my shoulder so I stood like a still penguin.

"Juli why are you standing like that?"

"I don't think we should enter class this way," I said nervously.

"Oh yeah, so true," he said now opening the door as we stepped in closing the door bind him.

I took my sit as he did same beside me.

As Mr. Greg wrote on the board as I just kept staring at Jayden. No matter how hard I tried to face the board and concentrate, I just couldn't.
I just got lost staring at Jayden's handsome face.

Oh my God, he's so handsome and cute. That his blond hair, I've always admired, his cute smiles that's heart warming, his straight nose, his blue ocean eyes and his pitch lips that seems enticing.

This is just a little reason why girls want him and I can't get rid of the fact that I want him for myself too.
No Julia. Concentrate, focus in class now. I told myself facing the board but in a minutes my head move to stare at Jayden.

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