Chap 37

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You can't have someone's Friendship unless
You earn it - - - >this is my Friendship Quote.

There will be change of POV here and there. I just hope you'll understand.

Rose's Third POV. 🎆🎆🎉🎆🎆
I know you all are shocked But she's got to have anyways. Enjoy.

Rose headed out of her house to see Julia entering Jayden's car. That sudden jealousy and anger built it.
It should be me. She thought out loud.
It should have only been me.

She removed her stare at them and proceeded on going to school.

Meanwhile, Julia spotted Rose adjacent away and begged Jayden to also drive her to school. After a lot of objection Jayden agreed since that'll make Julia happy.

Jayden drove straight to her as Julia brought the car window down.

"Good morning Rose. Hop in lets go to school all together." Julia offered.

What part of stay out of my fucking life, she doesn't still understand?

"Talk to be again, I'll break your nose." I replied with full hatred.

I'll never forgive you for betraying me. For taking Jayden away from me.

"Oh please. Fuck you Rose." Jayden yelled and drove off.

He still hates me. He prefers Julia over me all the time. It's not fair. If Julia hadn't come to the united states to study maybe I would have made Jayden mine. Julia is the course of all my problem.

I hate her. I hate her so much. She's the reason why, Jayden makes me cry, Jayden dejects me and why Jayden doesn't understand me at all.

But deep down no matter how I claim to hate Juli. I still love her. I can't stop myself for loving her. She was like a sis to me when I had no siblings. But why does she have to take Jay away from me?

I got to school opening my locker picking out my study books when Britney approached me with her minions. This girl irritates me.

"Hello Rosy." She greeted with a suspicious smile.

"Just get the hell out of my sight." I snapped.

"Relax... "

" I should relax after what you did to me years back." I interjected as the memory of what happened before Julia came to USA flashed vividly in my head.

I went to Jayden's house to give him apple pie and to celebrate Christmas with him but unfortunately Britney was already there. She dragged the pie from my hold and squashed it on my face. What angered me the most was, Jayden did nothing and whispered into my ears "No matter what you do I won't pick you over Julia."

I yelled at him and told him" I'll hate you and Julia since you won't learn to like me."
It infuriated me, then I stopped having any conversation with him and that's when Julia showed up.

I was shocked with the way he treated Julia at first. I was pleased at first but later I realized I was being bitchy to the girl who would do anything for me.

But suddenly , Jayden returned and wants to be with her, he wanted to be close to her, he wanted to be around her, he was so open with her and wants to apologies to her for everything he did to her.

Why can't he do same for me? For a pretty long while I showed him how much I liked him but he chose Julia over me.

"Hello girl, are you there?" Britney asked bringing me back to reality.

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