Chap 10

115 54 14

☁No Friendship is an...
Accident ☁

Julia Third POV
        Julia's weekend went by and on a Monday morning she was been woken up by her cell phone. Julia lazily stretched her hand to the night table and picked up the phone.  

         "Julia dear, are you okay?" She could hear her mom from the other line as she quickly sat up.

         "Yes mummy, I am. Why did you call me this early?" Julia asked yawning at the same time.

         "Owh... Just wanted to tell you that we'll come visiting darling. I am so happy to tell you." Her mum said enthusiastically.

         "That's great. You coming to stay, right?" she asked with a happy smile.

          "Not really dear." Her mum answered as Julia's smile dropped, "Julia dear are you there?" Her mum asked being concerned about her daughter's silence.

           "Why can't you stay?" Julia asked being sad she has to stay lonely for a long time again.

The thought of it only made her frustrated.

           "We just can't for now, but we will when we are done with everything Important here". Her mum explained as Julia replied with an, "Okay."

            "I'm glad you understand, so we will come visiting next week, during your weekends. How's that?" Julia smiled and replied ''That's great."

           The other line went dead as Julia got her ass prepared for school. Before heading she wore the bracelet she had since when she was in junior high. She can very well remember that It was a bracelet she gave her 2 trusted friends when they were in junior high.

         She gave them such bracelet, so they could remember their friendship they shared together but Jayden on the other hand never appreciated it.

          The thought of it only made her angry with a painful heart. She felt such anger in which she'll never forgive Jayden yet for what he did to her.

         Pushing the thought aside. She wore her bracelet on her right wrist and left her house now heading to college.

          "Come on girl, what kind of vegetarian are you?" Lilian asked looking at my meal carefully.

"I'm a normal vegetarian, I guess." I answered eating my raw plantain.

Yes, I prefer eating ripped plantain to frying it. It's more sweet this way.

"You're weird." Loveth commented eating her chips.

"I agree."  Added Lilian.

"Well, that's how Julia is, always very wired," Rose said drinking her apple juice.

I smiled at the girls nervously as I spotted Nicole from the other table staring at Rose. Wow! Does the lion team have interest on the girls squad team?

"I love the bracelet so much, Julia," Lilian said looking at the bracelet I gave to them happily.

"Yes, same here. It's so beautiful." Loveth commented.

The bracelet I gave them is just like the one I'm wearing but the only difference is the colour. Rose and I bracelet were purple while Lilian and Loveth bracelet were pink.

I felt warmth in my heart to hear that they appreciated it. I just hope they'll keep appreciating my little gift till we depart. I want to keep the three of them to myself.

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