Chap 8

113 54 15

☁A friend is someone who...
Understand your past, believes...
In your future and accept...
You just the way you're ☁

Julia Third POV

Julia, Rose and Loveth were in the reading hall, reading for their next test. For Lilian she went to the restroom. Coming out of the restroom, she heard a juicy gossip some students where talking about down the hall. On hearing it, it made her jump a little, squeak a little and ran towards the reading hall like a maniac.

When she got there she walked up to them maturely. She rushed to her friends immediately and sat down with a wide smile which got the three of her friends confused.

        "Guys I've got breaking news". Lilian said smiling like an idiot I don't understand.

"Yah, what's it?" Asked Rose.

"It's about Jayden and Britney". She replied.

"Yayyy... " Loveth said boringly.

"And so what?" I asked with full annoyance.

Nowadays his name angers me. Jayden's name angers me to the point that I want to push his fine face into the toilet.

"Jayden and Britney broke up". Lilian answered squeaking like a mice.

"Wow! How boring". I said sarcastically as Rose and Loveth giggled.

"This no boring news. Seriously I'm happy. Jayden doesn't deserve a wench like Britney. She's so fake, hard to understand and easy to use". Lilian elaborated.

"So now we should bake eggs for such stupid gossip". I deadpanned arrogantly.

"Chillax Jul, I just want you all to know, duh!" Lilian said as her enthusiasm died.

"Lets just read okay. Any minute, reading period will be over". Loveth reminded.

While I was reading, I felt someone staring at me, as always. It was even the usual stare I felt. When I looked up, it was Jayden. He has been doing this often.

There are a lot of girls he could stare at. Like girls with makeups, fake barbie faces... Owh... Lets not forget girls with exposure wears. Which reveals their cleavages and pants.

He should quit the staring because It's getting me so annoyed. While he stared at me, he kept smiling charmingly and looking at me in such a way I don't understand.

The scowl on my face deepened as he pout at me cutely.
What the fuck is wrong with him? Is he okay? No he isn't.
He's so stupid now, because arrogance fits him better.

Then the bell rang signaling we should head to our next lectures.
Oh shit, I haven't read anything reasonable.
First it was Lilian distraction and now it was him, it was Jayden.

"Grr... " I grumbled filling angry already.

"Hey, what's with the grumpy face?" Rose asked with a smile as she held her books with her hands.

"Forget about it". I replied rigidly placing my books in my bag heading out of the reading hall.


Sitting in the cafeteria alone on my usual table. I gradually opened my mathematics test paper. I was smiling at first but my smile dropped when I saw 45/100.

No, no no. This is not what I planned on having. This is too bad for the course I'm after.
Why this?
What am I getting wrong?

In seconds, tears gathered in my eyes. How can I tell my parents this is what I scored in math?
They'll be so disappointed.

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