Chap 16

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         Heat waves by Glass animal.

Jayden Third POV.
        Julia and Jayden were now in Biology class. As Mr. Greg kept on explaining an important topic called Heredity and Variation. Jayden always gets a glimpse of Julia face at small interval. As he stares at her he smiles genuinely.

The feeling he is trying to button up for so long, is he going to do so, he thought. Staring at her as always only doubled his urge of wanting to be close to her, always wanting to be around her and be by her side.

        "So class look up." Mr Greg said cutting me from my beautiful trance.

"I want you all to go home research more on Heredity and Variation. Once that's done, the group who will explain mandatory on the topic is Jayden and Julia. Once they are done the rest of you will write the test they'll set on. Since that's said I'm done for today. You may all dismiss."

Mr Greg said leaving the class as the class students did same. Yes, It's me and Julia.

I stared at Julia to see an annoyed expression printed on her face as she kept mumbling.

"Why... Why... Why... "

After some seconds of mumbling she breathed in an out.

"Juli are you okay."  I asked being concerned.

"Of course I'm fine. I don't get why Mr. Grey pants had to pair you and I as partners. It's so annoying." She expressed her annoyance.

"True enough. Maybe is because of our J name. Like. You're Julia and I'm Jayden and he just had to pair us together as partners." Jayden what are you saying.

Julia just stared at me being even more annoyed. She got up parked her stuff and left the class.

"Come on Julia wait up, " I hurriedly said following her from bind.

"Stop following me," She said sternly.

"Why? We are partners."

"Biology partners. Class over go do your thing, I'm heading home."

"I'm going with you."

She stopped and turned to face me with an annoyed expression. Well, It's something I'm used to now.

"Back off."

"I said I won't until you accept me back."

"You moron." She Insulted being angry.

"Relax sweetie. We should be thinking of where we could study for our presentation. Don't you think so?" I suggested but she just kept on staring at me angrily in the middle of the hall with few students.

She's going to snap. She's going to snap any minute from now.

"Hey you guys. What's up," Lilian said now holding Julia's shoulders.

"I don't know."  I replied shrugging my shoulder.

"Hey calm down Julia. I know he's annoying... "

"Very annoying..." Julia interjected Loveth.

"That's why you should relax and calm down," Loveth said softly as Julia calmed down and I saw myself smiling.

Julia saw me smiling as her anger came back.
"Loveth, Lilian go home with out me." Julia instructed.

"Why?" Questioned Lilian.

"Just go home." Julia insisted.

"We will. Just be careful." Loveth advised leaving with Lilian as she stared at me suspiciously.

Julia and I stood there for a good 3 minutes and then she walked off. Come on what's wrong with this girl.

Walking out of the school building as we headed to our house destination, Julia refused to say a word to me and it is killing me.

"Come on Juli say something to me anything to me."

That's how desperate I felt.

"Just leave me alone."

"I said I won't," I replied stubbornly as she sighed and replied, "You're so annoying."

And I just smiled at her.

" Stop smiling at me, It's driving me crazy," she said arrogantly.

"That means It's driving you crazily in love with me."

"Oh shut up." She replied as I chuckled lightly.
Such a sweet girl.

"So that means we're studying at your house?" I asked smugly.

"Don't you dare." She warned and I chuckled once again.

I love being around her.

"We are studying at the nearby cafe." She suggested.

"Why not my house instead."

"I said cafe."  She insisted.

"Alright, cafe it is." I agreed.

We got to her house as she walked towards her door opened it, stepped into her house and closed the door without even saying a bye to me.

Don't worry Julia, we'll be friends soon.


Chemistry teacher wasn't in class yet as I eves dropped on Rose and Julia chit chat.

"You don't mean it?" Julia asked Rose being surprised at whatever she told her.

Just look at how bright Julia face is with that lip gloss on her lips. Damn they are so kissable, peckable and suckable.

Jayden think straight, shit. She's your friend.

"I'm serious. My mum is pregnant. That's why I couldn't come to school all this time. I was also shocked with the news," Rose said happily.

Wait. What? Her mum, Mrs. Lisa is pregnant. What a beautiful news. Mum would have heard about this by now.

While listening to them talk Andrew came in and hugged Julia. What the fuck.

"Julia, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm good." She replied trying to hid her pink ears.

Really? Really Julia? You could even turn pink, for some asshole.

He whispered something in her ears as she laughed shyly. Andrew dragged her cheek and left the class winking at her.

What the hell? He is making a move on Julia. He is toughing,
My Julia.

Wait. Did I just say my Julia.
And if so, she should be.

I've had enough with masking this feelings, my feelings for Julia, I'm getting Julia for myself.

Oh my Jayden 😘😍😍

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Oh my Jayden 😘😍😍

I smell jealousy.

Who knew Jayden had feelings for Julia all this while.
He masked it good.

I apologies for the short chapter.
Can you imagine, I'm running out of ideas.
No not running out of ideas.

I've got ideas but don't know how to put them together so that
The story won't be boring.
The story Is get boring already.

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