Chap 38

127 28 23

Feels by Calvin harries and Katy_Perry
Super freaky girl by Nicky Minaj
Selena Gomez it ain't me.

Jayden's Third POV

Immediately Jayden ran out of the school in panic. Loveth, maxwell, Lilian and David where waiting for Jayden outside the school building.

Lilian and Loveth started to worry because she couldn't contact Julia so they went inside the school building to see Rose crying.

"Rose why are you crying?" Loveth asked.

"It's Julia," she said with a trembling voice.

"If I could remember, Julia did nothing to you." Lilian replied not understanding her reply.

"No Julia is in trouble." She wailed with a trembling voice.

"Relax Ro, she'll be fine, she'll be alright." Nicole spoke softly as he knelt down and embraced her.

Nicole himself was praying for Julia to return alive.

Julia pls be alright. Juli please be alright.

I kept praying as I ran into the forest with fear. When I sighted the cliff I saw Britney smiling with content.
What the fuck did she do? Immediately she sighted me she began to panic. No she's didn't do such. I pushed her aside and I looked below the cliff to see Julia's body laying on the surface of the water.

Noo. This can't be happening.
I jumped into the water and swam to her body, I carried her out from the water and laid her on the dry land.

I placed my both hands on her chest and pressed a bit harder so that the water in her system may come out but it was at vein.
I pressed harder but she won't wake up.

No no no, "Juli don't do this to me, pls. Wake up. Just wake up for me pls". I begged but she wouldn't wake up.

I placed my mouth on hers trying to blow in air but she didn't still wake up. No this isn't happening, this can't be happening. I kept telling myself as tears filled my eyes.

I couldn't take it anymore, I started to tear up. She's gone. I arrived too late to save the one I loved.
My only option is the hospital. When I carried her up she started coughing out water. I laid her back on the floor as I monitored her.

"Jay is that you?"

"Yes It's me baby. It's me. I'm sorry for arriving late." I told her in guilt.

"Please don't be. I'm the guilty one here, I refused to tell you where I went to," she said trying to catch her faint breath.
"Britney pushed me." She told me clearly.

"I know, she planned it with Rose." I also told her.

She stared at me in shock and askance. She shook her head.
"No, Rose will never kill me, this is all Britney's skim," she said in assurance.

After all Rose have done she still believes in that girl. And then she started crying.

I stared at her wondering why she was crying. "Juli why...."

"Why does Rose hate me so much. I've done a lot for her and she's trying to kick me aside," Juli said within her tears.

Julia felt so hurt. I could understand such feeling.

"I apologies for her sake. But right now I'm happy your back to me. I would have lost it If you were gone. I love you so much to let you go." I told her sincerely as I hugged her wet body.

Suddenly her wet body turned me on.
Seriously Jayden, at this hour you're thinking such nonsense.

"I also love you so, Jay."
"Lets go back to school, I want to speak to Rose." She told me, getting up from the floor.

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