Chap 29

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Alright this is another pretty long chapter
But I promise it won't be boring.
I love it when you hurt me by The Fat Rat

Julia Third POV

They both left the restaurant as Jayden kept dragging her towards his car. Jayden didn't bother to stare at her. All that angered him was the words of Andrew.

"Let go of my wrist." I told him still struggling to retrieve my hand to myself but he won't listen.

When did he get so strong?

When we got to his car he unlock the car and opened the door beside the driver sit.

"Get in." He told me.


"I said get in now." He commanded an I got into the car immediately as he did same.

He started the car and zoomed of driving me home. There was silence in the car. Both of us refused to say a word. I glanced at him to see tension and anger radiating from him as he held the steering wheel with annoyance.

Why the hell is he annoyed? I'm the one who should be after scattering my date with Andrew.
My house came in sight but he zoomed past it. Where the hell is he taking me too.
Before you know he stopped at his house pulling over at his packing lot.

"Get down." He told me but I kept deaf ears.

He got down, opened my door and dragged me out with my wrist in one pull. For heaven sake, he's just too strong or am I the one who is light?

He pulled me towards his house, opened the door, dragged me inside and closed the door with a bang. I finally withdrew my hand walking up to his sitting room angry as he followed bind.

When I turned around, Jayden stride towards me, annoyance still written all over his face, for a sec, I was intimidated.

"Why did you let him do that?" He questioned angrily.

"Let him do what?"

"Let him kiss you."

"Jayden stop being dramatic. That wasn't a kiss. It was a peck on the lips."

"Nevertheless I hated that when he did it."

"Jayden what's wrong with you. That's what boyfriends and girlfriends do." I told him the obvious.

"He is not your boyfriend." He yelled at me.

"Fuck off Jayden he is."

"What the hell do you see In him that you can't see in me?" He asked me holding my hands with his palms.

"He's cool headed and you're not."

"So that's it. That's why you like that moron?"

"Jayden just stop insulting him."

"And I will not."

"I don't get why you're annoyed with me. You just came from no where and stopped my date with Andrew. I'm the one who is infuriated. You even landed a blow on his face. Why do such thing?"

"And I'll break that idiots face over and over agai..."

I cut him off as I landed a slap on his face. "Stay away from my boy..."

Before I could finish my sentence Jayden quickly crashed his lips on mine, because of such action. I landed on the nearby couch as Jayden also laid on me gently without breaking the lock kiss in the process.

I was so shocked.

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