Chap 28

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Alright, this chapter might be pretty long.
      Violet sky by The Fat Rat.

Julia Third POV

It was recess time already and Julia was going to meet Andrew on top of the school building. She read his text message after chemistry classes. Heading up the stairs someone gripped her wrist stopping her in motion.

When she looked bind her she saw it was Jayden with a stern face.
What does he want? She wondered.

"Where the hell are you going?"

"It's non of your business." I replied.

"Come on Julia, I don't like that guy."

"That's totally your problem not mine." I told him.

"Why did you choose to like that fool?" He asked angrily.

"Jayden I've told you, It's non of your business and stop insulting him."

"Have you ever considered my feelings for you, Julia?"

"And have you ever considered Rose feelings too." I told him.

"Stop telling me that shit Julia, stop," he said angrily.

"And you too, don't tell me that shit too." I also replied trying to release my wrist from his hold but he only held it firmly.

I could see tears gather up in his eyes.
Is Jayden's about to tear up?

"Juli can't you see? They are all trying to get in between us. 1st was Rose now is Andrew," he said sadly.

"No one is coming in between us, you're just over thinking things but Instead you're the one who is coming in between Andrew and I. So I tell you now, just back off," I spoke up, rudely pushing him away and continue to held to the school top building.

I didn't bother to look bind me to see if Jayden was infuriated by my action or if he's saddened by the words I told him.
All I know is that, I like only Andrew and no one else.


I finally got to the top building to see Andrew waiting patient for me.
Such a sweet guy.

"I apologies for keeping you waiting." I apologised.

"No need, you had things to take care of," he said calmly.

Oh my, he understands. What a nice guy?

"I also apologies for last time, living you all by yourself at this roof in the middle of the night." He apologised.

"No no no, no need to say. You also had things to take care of." I told him.

He quickly covered my both palms with his hand.

"Julia, that night, I wanted to tell you that I've liked you since the first time I set my eyes on you. I apologies for confessing now. I know I'm late," he said sadly.

"Oh pls don't say that, you aren't late okay. I've also liked you for a pretty long time." I told him.

"Oh thanks so much. I thought you were going to reject me,'' he said embracing me.

His embrace felt empty. But why. I'm just over thinking.
I also embraced him with a smile.

"I know this is wrong way but can you be my girlfriend or do you need time to think it through?" He asked me.

Why is he so nice?

"What if I say yes right now?" I asked him as a happy smile creped up his face.

"Yes pls," he said embracing me once again.

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