Chap 30

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Sing me to sleep by Alan Walker

Julia Third POV

       It has been over a month since Julia and Andrew were dating. Soon it will be their semester exams and it was in a week from now. Andrew and Julia has gone on several dates and hanged out more often.

As they did. Jayden tried every possibility to avoid them. Anytime Jayden is having a conversation with Julia that's when Andrew comes around and Jayden hates it when he does that.

  "Our semester exams are around the corner, how are preparing?"  Lilian asked Loveth as we were heading out of the school building.

"Its been going great." Loveth replied with a smile.
"What about you Julia?"

"its also going well Loveth."I replied her.

"Once we are done with this semester heading for our 400 level, I'll visit you during the holidays." Lilian told me and I nodded my head in agreement.

"I'll also do same."
"But should I wear a dress or a blouse and a skirt for my date with David?" Loveth asked.

"A blouse and a skirt." Lilian suggested and I just nodded my head.

Lately, David asked Loveth to be his girlfriend and she agreed same with Lilian and Maxwell. They are both nice couples.

Anytime I come across Rose she acts like she didn't see me but she has also been hanging out with Nicole lately.
Lilian and Loveth told me their goodbyes as I did same, then Nicole approached me.

''Hey there." He waved at me as I did same.


"Pls have you seen Rose around?" He asked feeling concerned about her whereabout.

"No, I've not."

"Okay," he said sadly.

"Maybe she went home early."

"No problem." He replied sadly as he waved me goodbye.

Why can't Rose just give him a chance, seriously, I can see that Nicole likes her very much.

I turned around to head home when Andrew stopped his car in front of me.

"Hop in, let me take you home."

Recently, I don't use public transport very much because Andrew always drove me home. This few months of dating him wasn't quite bad.

"So how was classes?"

"It was good." I replied.
"Are you preparing for your semester exams?"

"Yep and you?"

"Yes I am."

Andrew and I made some small talks and before you know it I arrived home. I got down from his car and waved at him and then he zoomed off.

When I got in I saw Dante giving me the questioning look. I studied his appearance to see he was still wearing his business suit. I guess he just arrived from work. He has been gone for over 2 months for a business trip and he is back.

"Hey bro. Welcome back."

"Who was that young man?" My brother asked ignoring my greeting.

"He's my boyfriend."

"So now you've got a boyfriend?" He asked in a sarcastic tone.

Wait I don't get. Is it bad to have a boyfriend?

"Yes... " I answered the obvious.

"Okay, just know I don't like him." My brother told me.

Just like that, he has concluded.

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