Chap 17

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☁Friendship is so weird...
You just pick a human
You've met and
You're like...
"Yep, I like this one"
And you just do stuff with them ☁

             Passenger by Gabry-ponte

Jayden Third POV

         Jayden patiently stood beside the door of his car as he rested his back on the car waiting for Julia to come out from her house.

He heard the noise of the front door and stood straight as a smile crawled up to his face but his happy smile fell when he saw her brother, in seconds a warm smile climbed his face as he stared at Julia's brother.

        "Jay Jay, we meet again." Dante walked up to him and hugged him.

      Taken aback by Dante's warm action, Jayden slowly hugged him back. They both broke the hug as they stare at each other.

           "What are you doing here by this time?" Dante asked curiously.

"I'm waiting for Julia, Isn't she in?" I threw my question after I answered his.

"Of course she's in. You know girls and taking time to dress up." Dante replied quietly into my ears thinking Julia might hear him as I chuckled in the process.

I've always know Dante as a cheerful and lively soul. Wherever he goes that area is always full of life. He is also like a brother I respect so much.

"Dante, when are you coming..."

Julia cut off from her sentence sighting both Dante and I, especially I. Her enthusiastic expression turned into a frown I've grown to like.

"It seems lil sis is grumpy this morning." Dante joked.

"I'm not grumpy big head just go to wherever you were going."

"Okay small head, see you later," Dante said tapping my shoulder and walked off.

"My head isn't small, chicken brain." Julia yelled.

"To be fact about it, your head is truly small". I commented chuckling at the process.

"Are you mocking me?" Julia asked with a frown.

"No I'm not babe, I'm indirectly saying that I like it." I defended not to get her bad side this morning.

She rolled her eyes as she turned back to the door and locked it. She faced me and sighed heavily.

"Why can't you just disappear?" She grumbled.

"Because God wants us together."

"Leave God out of this." She replied walking off.

Being surprised by her action I immediately asked.

"Julia aren't you coming with me?"

She stopped as her back faced me.

"I never made any arrangement of us going out." She answered distantly.

"Come on Juli, I want us to go to together, just us."

"Jayden, I won't repeat this again. My reply is no and N.O  marks the spot." She replied rudely walking off without turning to face me.

Her action did pained me, it hurts me and almost infuriated me. But why should I feel such when I pushed her to behave such way towards me. I'll win you back, just you wait.


Coming out of the lecture class in which Julia wasn't in with me I spotted Julia walking towards my direction. On seeing her a smile crawled up my face.

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