619 47 22

October 21st, 2022 


"Did you know that this house is one of the few houses left in NOLA that still has its original architecture intact?" I showed my pamphlet to my best friend who was currently searching for a song in her playlist.

"Did you know that it was also a brothel at one point in time too?" She responded, never looking up from her phone.

"What? No, it wasn't" I pulled back my pamphlet and began skimming its contents again "It doesn't mention anything in the tour pamphlet."

"Think Lia" Noel tapped the side of my temple "Why would the owners, who make money off school tours like these, want to advertise something scandalous like that?"

"Why wouldn't they?" I frowned, turning back to my travel guide "If they want to be historically accurate though, including the brothel would be part of the Mansion's history too."

"Money talks Babe" Noel laughed, her attention once again going back to her phone "And unfortunately, Prostitution is not a good look for someone who makes money by pimping out their home for family friendly tours."

We both paused at her words before bursting out in laughter.

"Ironic, huh?"

I snickered "You have no idea."

"I swear, I didn't register the words until they were already out of my mouth."

I grinned "Mmm..."

Suddenly, Noel pinched my side so hard, I squeaked.

I sucked in a sharp breath "Ow! What the Hell!"

"Baby Blues" She smirked at me "Two O'Clock."

I scowled, not wanting to look in his direction but too curious not to.

I discreetly raised my pamphlet and pointed absently at something on the page to Noel before lifting my gaze.

His electric blue eyes immediately clashed with my brown ones and I immediately shifted my gaze from his.

"I hate you" I muttered under my breath "Now he's going to think I've been staring at him this whole time."

"I think it's the other way around" Noel sang to me "Because ever since we've boarded this stupid plane, he hasn't taken his eyes off of you."

"Did you forget that Demons stare at their prey before stealing their souls" I scoffed "Besides, I'm pretty sure he was staring at the emergency door beside me, probably thinking of ways he could pull it and kill me without getting thrown in federal prison."

A shadow fell over us and, by the way goosebumps emerged on my arms, I could immediately tell who it was.

"Awe, Em. I must not be hiding my intentions well enough if you could figure out my evil plan just from one look." He snickered "I promise to do better next time."

I ignored him, yawning like I was bored with his presence.

"Was there something you needed Kai?" Noel asked, gazing up at Lucifer "Besides annoying the best friend who I love dearly?"

"Scott wanted to talk to you about something before we land" his deep smooth voice said, a grin lifting at the corner of his mouth "He hasn't stopped bugging me about it since we took off."

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