T W E N T Y - T W O

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"I don't like this Emilia" Kai growled, pacing a hole back and forth on our room's floor "I just don't like this." 

I grabbed the small makeup brush from the vanity and dabbing it in some sort of red rouge blush before streaking it across my cheekbones. 

My nose wrinkled at the particular smell it emanated from the tiny tin.  

"Do you not like the fact that you weren't invited or the fact that I'll be having dinner, alone, with the two people who could possibly make or break our cover?" 

"Both...all of it" he paused in his steps, narrowing his eyes at me "Wait a minute. Where'd you get the make-up?" 

I shrugged and lifted up the note that was attached to the brush and rouge. 

He snatched the note from my hand and scanned its contents. 

"He sent make-up to you?" he frowned "That's it, I'm going with you." 

"I'm pretty sure Amalia sent the make-up" I said, turning in my seat "Lord Devereux doesn't seem like the type to go out of his way for others." 

"This is a males handwriting." 

"It could be Andrés." 

"Andrés doesn't know how to write." 

"That's an awful thing to say" I frowned at him "Why would you say that?". 

"I'm not trying to be mean" he blinked down at me "But it's the truth. He says so himself." 

"He does?" I asked "When?" 

"He mentioned it to me in passing the other day" he said "He wanted to know if I had extra time to tutor him too. He wants to read his grandfathers old journey and teach his kids so that they won't have to struggle when they get older." 

I smiled at him "That was sweet of you."  

"It was nothing" Kai shrugged, a blush creeping up his neck "I figured that since you're doing a majority of the French lesson, the least I could do would be to help out someone who needs it." 

"Such a gentleman" I teased, turning my attention back to the mirror "Besides, I think this is the perfect opportunity for you." 

"Opportunity for what?" 

"For you to do some investigating" I suggested, turning towards him once again "You know, to find a way back home." 

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