T H I R T Y - T W O

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The moment we stepped over the threshold of the tiny shop, the familiar woman behind the counter tensed, her body going rigid even though she had yet to turn and see who it was that just entered her shop. 

"I didn't think I'd ever see you two again" she muttered from her position at the counter, still not turning around even as she directed her words to us "I take it you still haven't figured out who or what brought you here?" 

"We're close" Emilia said, cautiously walking to the counter, her shoulders brushing against some feather dream catchers and tiny little amulets "But we could really use your help to solidify our theories." 

"I gave you all the answers I had last time" she said firmly, looking from over her shoulder to where Emilia stood at the counter "I have no more help to give. You should leave." 

"Because you were such a help last time" I said dryly, still bitter about the little present she gave me last time when we left this place "All you did was add more to our confusion and anxiety." 

Emilia shot me a scathing look, urging me with her eyes to do less talking and not antagonize the only person who was willing to help us. 

I sighed and stuck my hands in my pockets as I walked towards the counter, hunching my shoulders just a smidge so they wouldn't knock anything over in the narrow aisles. 

"Please Adela" Emilia urged "We could really use your help again." 

Adela turned and finally looked at us, giving me a quick once over while focusing her attention more on Emilia. 

The hesitation and uncertainty in her eyes cracked her icy demeanor. 

Then that uncertainty turned into resolved those hesitant emotions shuttered closed. 

"One question" she said, her voice much more firmer than before "That's all I can give you." 

The relief on Emilia's face spoke volumes "Thank you." 

She gave her a curt nod. 

"Do you know about the Founding Families?" 

"Yes" she said, confusion in her tone "Everyone knows the story about the Founding Families." 

"Could you tell us about them?" Emilia asked "We've heard bits and pieces of the story but we can't really tell if they're true or not considering that the sources could be biased." 

"The story isn't as glamours as the Lords tend to make it" Adela said, running a hand through her dark hair "They took land that wasn't theirs and declared it as such. When everyone objected, the pushed back harder and bought off whoever or whatever they could." 

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