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Chapter Eleven: The 1920s Part Two 


After I stormed out of the room, I immediately knew that I fucked up. 

Not because of my decision to attend the dinner party but rather the way I went about trying to convince Emilia to attend the party with me. 

I sighed, knowing that no matter what I did or said, I would always screw something up with her. 

I leaned my head against the door and closed my eyes, wondering if there would ever be a day in which I could act like a normal person around Emilia and not revert back to the childhood dynamics we used to have. 

I missed those days...so much simpler than they are now. 

Light footsteps sounded, so light I expected to see a mouse scurry by, as the person quickly walked past me. 

I opened my eyes just in time to see the Maid turn the corner and out of line of sight. 

"Madame!" I called after her, taking long strides in order to catch up "Madame!" 

She came to a stop right as she turned another corner to where Andrés said the Servants quarters would be. 

When she saw me approach, she quickly curtsied and bowed her head. 

"How may I assist you Lord Cartier?" she asked, a light French accent lacing her tone. 

"Thank God you speak English" I blurted out accidentally and nearly kicked myself when her eyebrows raised slightly "Sorry, it's been a long time since I heard someone use the English Language." 

She let out a small giggle and nodded "English was not my first language but a learnt one. It is, however, my favorite because of its simplicity." 

This time, I was the one raising an eyebrow. 

While her clothes obviously pointed out that she was a Maid, her mannerisms and the way she spoke were a complete contradictory. 

Her light complexion deepened as she blushed profusely. 

"I apologize Monsieur" she bowed her head again "What is it that you needed?" 

"I was wondering if there was a spare room available?" I ran my fingers through the hair at the nape of my neck, momentarily forgetting that I had long hair now and my usual comforting gesture was no longer held the same effect "My wife has not been feeling very well. I think it is because of all the travel we have experienced in the last few days." 

"I'm sorry Monsieur" The maid's face swamped with concern "Is Madame with child? Shall I brew her some tea? Fetch her a few biscuits?" 

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