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"KAI..." I chased after him, trying to catch up with his long strides "KAI! Wait a second!" 

He either didn't hear me...or...chose to ignore my pleads. 

"Malakai Stone!" I snapped at him, quickly apologizing to the couple ahead of me shooting me nasty glares "Malakai!" 

I watched as he looked both ways before crossing the street and stopping inside of what looked like to be a seedy bar. 

I barely had time to glance at the name of the place, Stars Quartiers, before following him inside. 

The first thing to catch my attention was the rowdiness of the crowd. 

The second thing that caught my attention was the beautiful live music being played and sung by two performers on the small makeshift stage near a kitchen. 

People of all ages and genders were in the bar, a few children scattered around the large dining room and bar, playing tag as they weaved in and out from the diners enjoying both their meals and the ambiance of this place. 

My eyes locked on Kai at the bar as he motioned for one of the bartenders for a drink. 

I stomped up to him, tapping on one shoulder as I sat in the chair on the opposite side of him, angling my body to solely face him. 

"What are you doing?" I demanded. 

He glanced at me briefly before looking back at the bartenders again, trying to catch either of their attentions. 

"What does it look like I'm doing?" he muttered "I'm getting a drink." 

"You don't drink." I stated 

"How would you know?" 

"I know things." I shrugged 

He narrowed his eyes at me, those blue orbs darkening to match the interior of the bar. 

"I just know you haven't ever touched the stuff" I shrugged "Probably the same reason why I haven't." 

"Keeping tabs on me Em?" He stiffened in the seat before forcing himself to relax, giving me a nonchalant glance "Kind of stalkerish, don't you think?" 

"You forget we were friends before we were enemies" I reminded him "I probably know you better than you know yourself." 

He just stared at me "That saying goes both ways Emilia." 

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