T H I R T Y - T H R E E

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"Do you think this is pretty? I think it's pretty by my lady's maid disagrees with me" Lady Amalia rattled off, her hands trembling when she thrust the two fabrics over to me "Is it pretty enough for the wedding?" 

As gently as I could, I grasped ahold of her shaking hands and gave them a small squeeze. 

"It does not matter about my opinion nor the opinions of another" I shot her a small smile "As long as you like it, then that's all that matters." 

She nodded twice, taking a deep breath as she pulled the fabric away from my face and place them in her lap again. 

"If I may My Lady" I asked, hesitating a little "I noticed that you've been more stressed than usual and haven't been sleeping well." 

She stiffened in her chair, unconsciously rubbing at the small bags underneath her eyes. 

I immediately withdrew my words "I'm sorry for overstepping my lady...I should have never..." 

"It's quite alright" she murmured, shutting her eyes for a brief second before opening them again, locking them with mine "You are right. Sleep has been evading me for the past few nights leading up to this wedding. I think it is just nerves. Sebastíen says it's just nerves but the dreams I have been having..." 

She trailed off with a shudder and I immediately stiffened in my own chair at her words. 

The Dreams...could she be having the same ones that Kai and I have been having? 

There was only one way to find out...

"I find it best to talk to someone outside of my inner circle about unusual dreams" I spoke softly, cautiously "It helps me see the bigger picture of my life, something I cannot do with someone close of mine." 

She contemplated my words for a few seconds and when I was sure she would disagree with my logic, she pleasantly surprised me. 

"You have been very trustworthy and diligent in both my studies and personal life Mrs. Cartier" she said, standing up and motioning for me to follow her "And while my grandmother, May God find peace in her soul, might have detested showing this kind of weakness to someone lower in status, I would very much like to recall my dreams for you and gather your opinion, if that is alright with you." 

To say that I felt a little guilty at her words was an understatement. 

Because while she was asking for real advice, from a trusted confidante and friend, I was only seeking knowledge from her to find a way back home. 

I was going to Hell...whether by this Hellhole manor or by my own guilty conscience...the journey didn't matter. 

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