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CHAPTER 18: The Priestess' Sister Part II

"Take a seat" she motioned for us to take a seat at the table tucked into the corner, a uniquely decorated alter sitting on top of it with incense burning. 

It didn't take a genius to figure out that it was an alter dedicated to some type of Voodoo Gods and/or Goddesses. 

"What is this place?" Kai asked, sweeping his eyes across the small room, taking in not only the alter on the table but also the strange markings across the walls and sigils across the door frame. 

She touched the braided bracelet at her wrist, striding across the room with graceful strides. 

"It's typically used for special rituals for our community members" she smiled at us "Or...more accurately, a storage room for all of my herbs, spices, or talismans." 

"You own this shop?" I asked, sitting at the chair closest to the wall so that Kai can take the chair with the most room. 

"I own this shop" she explained "My sister owns the hair shop down the street." 

"Your sister's a hair dresser?" 

She nodded "Among other things." 

"Is this the same sister that's the Priestess?" 

"Only sister I have" she sat in the rickety chair and before I knew what was happening, grabbed my hands and flipped them over until my palms were showing. 

Kai lurched forward from his position against the wall and gripped the back of my chair "What are you doing?" 

"Shhh..." the woman shot him a glare "I'm trying to read here." 

"Read what?" he shot her a confused look 

"Read her past, present, and future" she focused intently on my hands "Now shush. You want answers and I'm trying to give them to you. I can't do that with your incessant talking." 

"Thank you" I spoke softly, finally speaking up since entering the room "You don't know how much this means to us." 

"I'm not just doing this for you." She murmured. 

"Than who are you doing this for?" I asked, curious "Your sister?" 

"Like I said," Her eyes locked with mine "You're not the first travelers that my family has experienced." 

"How many were there before us?" 

"In total or just my lifetime?" 

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