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Chapter Three: The Tour


"Gather around students!" Mrs. Williams, our eccentric tour guide, called out to us "It's time to start the tour now!"

Mrs. Williams was...let's just say...the stereotypical person I would have expected to see at one point in this trip. 

She looked like a typical gypsy fortune teller, minus the crystal ball. 

Her long hair was covered in a bejeweled headscarf and the outfit she was wearing was so unique and intricate that I was pretty sure she made it herself to match the aesthetic of the Manor. 

She was waving her hands around excitedly as she answered a few pre-tour questions from the students closest to her. 

Noel and Scott, my two absolute best friends in the world (who happened to be dating one another), sighed and disentangled from one other's embrace. 

"I'm glad you two finally came up for air" I teased, elbowing Noel's side as she snickered and fixed her box braids "I thought I'd have to get the Jaws of Life to pry you two apart."

"That's what happens when you keep me away from my man." Noel stuck her tongue out at me.

Scott rolled his eyes as be blushed, fixing his stick straight black hair, as an amused snort from behind us.

I turned my head just enough so I could scowl at the nosy eavesdropper.

When my brown eyes met his electric blue ones, AGAIN, I bristled and turned my head back to my friends.

An arm snaked its way around my shoulder "Oh how it must suck to be single and alone."

I shoved him away from me "You would know."

He grinned and tugged at my curls "You keeping tabs on me Emmie?"

"Don't flatter yourself" I growled, pushing him farther away from me "I've just noticed how much my sleep has improved since your lady friends have stopped coming by unannounced."

Noel and Scott chuckled at my comment.

Considering Kai and I lived next door to each other, and our balconies were only a few feet away from one another, I was glad I couldn't hear him seducing his next victims into a less than impressive night anymore. 

It honestly kept me up all night and it wasn't till I used to blast his old screechy homemade mixtapes I found hidden in my garage did he finally stop with his all nightly sexcapades. 

I think the only thing I missed about his lady friends coming over would be the fact that they would all comment, every singe time, that the lead singer sounded like a cross between a screaming goat and a cat being murdered. 

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